Monday, 1 November 2010

Falls of Tintagel Cove

You would'nt think that a small stream could create such wonder.
Pics rom the top --
Middle - and its certainly causes a few spashes
Here at the botttom, it really is a picture - as the water runs across the beach into the sea.
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Cezar and Léia said...

A wonder indeed!
God bless you!

Sunny said...

Lovely shots. Love the angle on the first one :)
☼ Sunny

Katney said...

Lovely waterfalls--worthy of a name. That was the wonder we had when we were visiting the UK this summer, that none of the waterfalls seemed to have names, even the big year round ones.

The rainbow in the header is a wonder, too. You've no mention in it, perhaps a post to come about this week's theme and competition. We had an absolutely amazing rainbow in Scotland, such that we pulled over and stared at it for some time enthralled. Cameras were all tucked neatly away in the trunk (boot) as we were on our way back from a drenching and had simply shed everything, so it was a rainbow only to share among those who were there. Pity.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Fabulous waterfall, Stewart... You know that George and I would LOVE seeing that..... GORGEOUS!!!

Love your header also... Did you find that pot of gold?

Betty Manousos said...

Lovely waterfalls!
Fabulous shots! :)

George said...

Thanks for these wonderful pictures of this beautiful waterfall.

Jackie said...

The wonders of nature are a beauty to find them...capture them....share them. Thank you!!!

Ingrid said...

So beautiful and I probably very loud too !

Rick said...

Great photos mac - really enjoyed the scenic tour of the waterfalls, and the cave ! And - you didn't get wet !