Sunday, 23 August 2009

Fluttering Flags

Fluttering Flags = Blue-by-me.
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david mcmahon said...

That, sir, is a STUNNING shot.

Ingrid said...

I haven't seen Big Ben this time, but I was in Covent Garden, where many amateur shows were going on. Even a Michael Jackson imitation and a great opera singer. Lots of people of course !
Above all I noticed that there are many construction works going on, demolishing, building, digging ...
Probably for the Olympic Games.

Rune Eide said...

That is one heck of a photo - hats off!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i am so enjoying london...

Tom said...

I agree with David here.... Another stunner...

Anonymous said...

The flags all a'flutter...the lightness/shine of the buildings behind...wonderfully captured.
Smiles and many hugs from Jackie

HightonRidley said...

Another fine shot, Stewart - you're getting much more arty with your shots! You seem to have quite a knack for it. Nice :)

Sande said...

Perspective not often seen :)

Anonymous said...

Quite stunning. Well worth co-winner of POTD

Unknown said...

Congrats on POTD award, which is so well deserved by you. Reminds me of Avenue of Americas in NYC.

CiCi said...

That's a huge complement if david mcmahon calls your work stunning. Good for you.

Brian Miller said...

what a cool shot...wonderfully captured. congrats on POTD!

great header as well!

Kathleen said...

Quite beautiful! Congratulations on POTD

Craver Vii said...

Mesmerizing, Imac!

Punny subtitle.

Unknown said...

Nice shot. Glad you're having a good time 'darn sarf'.

Susan English Mason said...

Congrats on POTD tie.