Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Header Challenge 13-03-13 = Purple by Tom.

This weeks Header comes from Tom - our Friendly Fishing Man.

My choice of music this week is from X Factor 2008
Ruth Lorenzo singing Purple Rain.
Have a listen - and Enjoy, while you check-out 
my take on Purple.

Its TIME to FLY & see the Beautiful PURPLE Flowers.

My Header

A Beautiful Thistle in Flower in its prime and all its glory.

My Posts


To see Granthams Guildhall in all its night time Glory.
3 colours changing every 5 seconds.
Purple - Yellow - Green.

Lets now FLY with the PURPLE Dragon

Flying high and then diving - then to pull and fly high once more.
Kite Flying @ Belton House.

PURPLE Flower Power

PURPLE Poppy - Macro shot.

Butterfly loving this PURPLE Flower.

Here we have a PURPLE Beauty - just after being refreshed from a  storm and showing off its jewels of water droplets

I hope you all have enjoyed my take on this weeks theme of PURPLE 
Now pop over and see what the other Headbangers choice of purple   is - on my side bar near my shield.



Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---awesome purples... I like the last one the best with the water drops on it. WOW!!!!!! Great post...

Lew said...

Superb header! That's quite a fancy dragon flying in your post and I always love your water shots. Marianne was also impressed with your post (she has been following the challenge).

Katney said...

Your thistle header reminds me of Sicily. Why Sicily and not Scotland? Years ago I photographed a thistle in Sicily, and my Dad commented more on that shot than all the ruins of Rome and vineyards and Renaisance glory of florence.

Craver Vii said...

Impressive details and beautifully blurry bokeh in the background on that thistle photo!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: What a wonderful purple show. I do love the butterfly you captured on the purple flower. That thistle is much prettier then it would be to pick.

George said...

Mac, all of your photos are marvelous. I really like your header, but that dragon is pretty cool as well.

DeniseinVA said...

What a stunning set of purple! That header photo is incredible!

Carletta said...

Oh my Mac - beautiful shots!
I love that whimiscal dragon!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great series of purples! Love the water-drenched flower shots.

Ingrid said...

Fantastic pictures ! The header is gorgeous !

James said...

Wow! Beautiful color and light! Great shots!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous shots as always! That header photo is especially stunning.

I hope you are keeping well these days. Apologies for not having visited in a while. Life challenges me to other pursuits!

Jackie said...

I've been bathed in purple...which is fine and dandy with me!
It's my favorite color.
I went to all the purple blogs today....
In heaven!!!!!!
Love your work.
You already know that!!