Tuesday, 19 March 2013

20-03-13 Header Challenge - Looking Down by Craver


CRAVER says LOOKING DOWN this week.

Listen to my music  - this week I'm showing = Les Miserables = Look Down

My Header

Looking Down the stairs of the Atrium (middle) of a cruise ship, here we see 3 sets of stairs going down 3 decks on our cruise ship.  Seeing these stairs caught my eye for a photograph, I thought it would be a little different than seeing scenes of mountains, hills, and country scenes.

Post Pics

Looking Down

This one is from the Helicopter.


 Dancers Looking Down

 Group of chaps Looking Down studying their game

 looking Down From  Madiera

Looking down from Gibraltar as the Airport runway crosses the main road from Gibraltar to Spain

Nearer to home - LONDON
Looking down from the EYE.

Now for something different

 For Tom - Fishing Guy - Looking down into the lake for fish.

Statue Looking Down - Laying Down

The Band Looking down - while putting their instruments away

Back in time - when folk had to make their own bread.

Now for something we all see every day - every where we look
Folk Looking Down at their Mobile

Well, thats my take on LOOKING DOWN 

Go visit the other Headbangers for their take on LOOKING DOWN.
You will find these great pals of mine - on my side bar - near my shield



George McKay said...

And the Top of the World to You, Sir!

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic series of photos Stewart!!! I always enjoy them all but I particularly loved the one of your friend staring over that brilliant expanse of gorgeous scenery. Brilliant!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great "looking down" shots, Stewart. They are all good --but my favorite today is the Norway one. WOW..

Have a great day --don't forget to look UP every once in awhile. ha

Adam said...

awesome view

George said...

I have to say that you nailed this theme. Your header and all of your photos are great examples of looking down.

ancient one said...

Great looking down shots...

Lew said...

You have "down" covered well! Love the mountain shots! You have traveled to a lot of high places.

ju-north said...

Great selection of shots here! Very creative!

Ingrid said...

What a selection of "down looking" pictures ! some of them made me dizzy !

Rune Eide said...

A very nice selection, but I'll leave it to you to guess which are my favourites :-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Very nicely done Mac, thanks for the trout photo. You certainly got some neat captures. What a great week we are having.

Katney said...

Great collection of downlookers. Some I share. I thought I might have a good shot looking down Steep Street, but it did not give the right sense of looking down.

Jackie said...

A lot of thought went into each photo here, my friend.
You are a master photographer.
I love your work!!

Craver Vii said...

Ha! Put a camera in that statue's hands, and it could be me (or you)! Mac, you are richly blessed with so many wonderful experiences, do you know that? I always get a kick out of seeing the places you've been and the things you've done.

James said...

You really nailed it! Great shots!

Carletta said...

Those first five shots are breathtaking! I like the one from the Eye as well.
All of them are terrific takes on the theme.
Your last one tells the tale of today's world!
These are a winner in my book - just saying. :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Spectacular set of images, your pictures are stunning!Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a fantastic series of shots. Love the shots from Norway!

Linda said...

Wow, what a gorgeous set of photos here, Stewart! Seeing these is "taking me away" for a while, much needed after Montreal's blizzard of two days ago.

Anonymous said...

A few of these shots almost gave me vertigo, but when I could look, they are a great collection. Love your header shot.