Wednesday, 6 March 2013

HEADER CHALLENGE - 06-03-13 FOLD by Kathy

Welcome folks, come see and enjoy The HEADBANGERS unFold,
Once you've seen you will be completely sold,
See the fun and frolics we have in our Headers and posts,
Kathy,Sandy,Tom, Craver, Lew & Mac are your Hosts.

Kathys choice this week is +Fold+

My music this week is by The ScafFOLD  singing Lily The Pink.
The Comedy, poetry and music trio are from Liverpool.
Mike McGear, Roger McGough, John Gorman.

Mike McGear - McCartney is the Brother of Paul McCartney of the famous group THE BEATLES.

Listen and enjoy music from the 80s.

My Header

I can see my Life unFOLD before my very eyes as I look through my Photo Album.

My Post Pics

On a Wet note - ev1 has their umbrellas unFOLDed

 Butterflies   top = Wings unFOLDing & bottom = Wings FOLDed

The shadows and Light of the Austrian Alps caused the FOLDS when the Earth moved in Time gone by.

Last  but not least of all

The Flags are unFOLDed and Flying for the HEADBANGERS.

Hope you have enjoyed my take on Kathys FOLD.
To see the other HEADBANGERS take on FOLD go to my side bar - near my shield.



Cezar and Léia said...

Lovely subject for this week, I like a lot your choice for the header!Lovely moments in images!

Lew said...

Some superb shots and a love the "un" part of your folds! I thought of folds in the earth, but could not think of a place close by where the folds were clearly visible ( I should have mentioned the folds in the waves). True, we seem to have a similar view of the world around us and I think that is what kept me coming back to your blog as well as the excellent photos)!

Katney said...

There were so many things to go to for a fold or an unfolding. Nice gathering.

Craver Vii said...

Well Mr. Mackinder, those are fine pictures of you in the past, but I hardly recognize you without the pair of Nikon cameras draped around your neck.

Craver Vii said...

Pass the "medicinal compound," please.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Enjoyed your folding show, it was fun to go through.

George said...

I really like your header and the ingenuity you showed in creating it. All of your post pictures are wonderful as well. Your mountain shot is beautiful.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Very nice photos following the them of UN-FOLD.... Love your photo album.. GREAT!!!!! Your life is unfolding, isn't it???? So is mine!!!!! ha

Started my new Photo Blog today. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Stunning shots - love the butterfly and those majestic Alps!

Jackie said...

So you are a poet and didn't know it.
Love the blog, my friend.
The song title, the poem, the photos...and I learned something.
'Tis a great day!!!

photowannabe said...

I really enjoyed seeing all the photos from this weeks challenge.
Great folds and unfolding.
I love seeing how life unfolds for you.

Linda said...

Wonderful, love the photos!

SandyCarlson said...

All beautiful! Thanks for this post.

Ingrid said...

I like the "thing" you are wearing under your jacket in your header ! That's very original !
Of course I also like your pictures, especially the one with the umbrellas which makes me feel home :) !

Betty Manousos said...

what fantastic close-ups!!
i really like all of your shots as well.
all beautiful! and the header.

have a great weekend~

Carletta said...

I have enjoyed all of these!
Your butterfly shots are beautiful images - especially that black and white one!!!
The Alps shot is stunning!
Nice work my friend and a wonderful take on 'fold'.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic shots! In fact I am going back to look at them again.