Friday, 22 March 2013

Summer Reminders


Lets hope this helps to melt some of this snow from the mind.


George said...

These are beautiful reminders of summer. Right now I'm just wishing for some Spring-like weather. We may get snow again this weekend.

Ingrid said...

That's what I needed a summer reminder and such beautiful photos ! I read today that we have the coldest spring start since 1916 ! Tomorrow snow is announced ! I consider of hanging myself !

Anonymous said...

Great collection to remind us that the snow will melt and stay gone one of these days.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great summer reminders... We need to see that since summer seems so far away.. It's still cold here today--so we haven't even had much spring here yet.

Linda said...

Absolutely stunning reminders of summer. Thank you so much!

Dar said...

Oh, my friend, thanks so much for such delicious colors of spring and summer...we too, still have tons, and I mean tons, of snow.
Sorry you had trouble commenting on my blog...I had to make some changes because of getting spam...grrr
BUT I love hearing from you. You know how I treasure those swans.

Jackie said...

It's just not fair!
"What's not fair, Jackie?"
Well...I have a camera and take photos, but mine just don't come out as good as Stewart's! (Lip poking out.)
"Now, now, Jackie...Just keep taking those photos and practicing. You will learn as you go. You have a good teacher as you study Stewart's work. Be patient."
That's me in a nutshell. Patient!!
And as I wait, I wanted you to know that your photos are breathtakingly beautiful...the color the movement, the light...just everything is so good. It's nice and warm here, so maybe I can get out and capture a duck landing or a swan in the lake.... or not!! (sigh.)
Love being here!!!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: We had a look at Spring and now we are back to Winter. Your captures are beautiful.

Adam said...

before we know it summer will be here

Cezar and Léia said...

These pictures are wonderful!The Summer energy and colors in everywhere!

soulbrush said...

Sure did help thanks, at the moment I think Summer's been cancelled in our neck of the woods!! Stay warm and cosy this weekend friend.

SandyCarlson said...

Come back, summer! Thanks for these reminders of the warm season.

joey said...

Always a joy to visit and catch up!

Rune Eide said...

Thank you for those! It's nice to have something to look forward too ...

smokepole said...

Reminds me of summer. Beautiful pictures.

smokepole said...

Reminds me of summer. Beautiful pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

A fabulous series of summer!!!

Rose said...

I am so ready for spring and summer...but we have snow again.

Anonymous said...

Wow -- how fabulous! Love the close-up shots of the swan.

Craver Vii said...

I'm really digging the appearance of stained glass on the wings of that dragonfly!

Betty Manousos said...

simply stunning!!
very nicely done:)