Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Header Challenge 09-03-11 = Friends.

Header Challenge 09-03-11  =  Friends.
First I would like to offer Lanny our regrets and sorrow of her loss on her Friend -Pet dog.
Thinking of you Lanny - no worries if you dont make it to post.

See and listen to my Youtube song - non other than 
The Beatles --
Hello fellow Headbangers - tis my choice this week and its "Friends"
My Header is all about our closest friends - with-out which we would be at a loss.
They are there for a shoulder to cry on, to support us thru thick n thin, to smile and laugh together,
You dont have to be rich to be wealthy - all you need is "Friends" like we have.
My Posts are as follows
Meeting of Blogging Friends
Post no 1
DW and our fellow blogger Rune E  within a photo of Bergen Norway, we had a cruise around Norway and Rune showed us his wonderful city of Bergen, it really rained most of the day, but cleared up later.
A wonderful Guide and a wonderful time Rune gave us.
Thanks my friend.
Post no 2.
Non other than a Headbanger Gailsman himself and hiswonderful DW Gail.
We met not far from us - at The Dirty Duck Pub alongside the Grantham Canal.
We had a meal then took a walk along the canal, great time - and we got some great photos too.
Thanks Friends.
 Post 3.
We met from across the big Pond - non-other than Katney (The Pink Lady herself) and her DH.
We met at Lincoln and as you see, we saw the inside of Lincoln Cathedral together, we had a very snappy(with our cameras of course) and Happy time. They were on their travels thru the UK.
Thanks Friends.

Post 4.
Here you see the Castle of Holy Island - Lindesfarne, here we met up with Ju-North and her DH,
Ju-North is a brill artist with her photos.
A perfect day to meet with friends, sunny and bright for our photos but then it had to rain, then it poured,but we were in the pub-when it poured,lol.
A pleasure to meet you both and we had a great time too
Thanks Friends.

Last post-man delivers
This last post - is to all our blogging friends(to many to mention)who we havent met up with.

May we all be Friends forever.
to ALL our Blogging Friends.

To see the Headbangers - look on my side bar - just underneath my Header,
and pop over to leave them a comment.


Unknown said...

Great shots of your below headbangers in their surroundings!

Darla said...

Hi Big Guy, the header is great and the insert photos in your post are precious! Hope things are well with your MIL.

Anonymous said...

Lindsfarne Gospels are a decorated manuscript wonder and they came from there. Nice post. I enjoyed seeing all your friends who are bloggers too.

Katney said...

And an incredible time was had by all. Glad we made it last summer as I'm limping about with bursitis currently. Here's to friends!!!

Anonymous said...

Great shots of your friends! They are indeed the true treasures in our life.

Craver Vii said...

I keep wishing that one day I could make it out there for a visit, too. Of course, if you ever get to travel this way, I'd treat you to some good Chicago foods... Great pizza, Italian beef, amazingly delicious hot dogs, etc.

Jinksy said...

Hava a putty medal, for being such a friendly Blogger! LOL

Dave Cawkwell said...

Blogging friends are truly just as precious thank you for reminding us all.
Looking forward to meeting up at Belton soon.

Rune Eide said...

How can I but give you a great THANK YOU for the mention I get in this post :-)

You have really gone to the heart of the matter - what are both friends and blogging for. It is an honour to call you - My Friend.

Lanny said...

I do believe this post is in need of a pint! Nice tribute to some of your friends. Blog friends that you have had the privelidge of actually meeting!
You do such clever things with your photos.

Oh and thanks for the good word. I am a bit of a wreck today. And my one dog is a bit tired of being cuddled.

Staffan H said...

A nice tribute to and presentation of some of your many friends. You are a warmhearted person!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow Imac, you are always so talented with your posts, this one is adorable!
Lovely friends!

Lew said...

Wonderful shots and great memories in this tribute to your friends!

Unknown said...

We are very happy to be thought of as your friends. You and DW certainly have a place in our hearts too,

Anonymous said...

Smile and the whole World smiles with you.
Be friendly and you will have friends. :)

Dar said...

Great idea, inserting your friends where you walked and laughed together. Sweet of you to include those of us who love you but know we may never meet personally, still feeling as tho we have.
Looking back, I love the goose getting loose of yesterdays feathers. So cool to have captured that moment.
BlessYourHeart and Thanks for dropping in.

joey said...

Great header and so agree, friends are a true joy in our lives.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Very cool post, maybe someday we will visit my friend.

SandyCarlson said...

This post is a wonderful tribute to your friends and your shared good times!

ju-north said...

Thanks for being friends! Hope all is well with you both and MIL

Ingrid said...

That's funny I wrote about my "real" and "virtual" friends and friendship on my Writercramps blog today.
Friendship is so important to me because friends you choose, family you inherit. My oldest friend I am still in contact with dates from 1951 !! We were neighbors in Bonn, then neighbors in Brussels (our fathers worked together) I stayed here she went back to Germany, but we see each other regularly and meanwhile we are grandmas !
Last year when she came to Waterloo she brought me back a book I had lent her in 1953 when we were 10 years old ! Better late than never, lol !

PS. Sorry but my Word verification now is : farts ! :)!

Christmas-etc... said...

This is such a lovely posting!! Yes, friends are such treasures! (I am really sorry about your friend who lost her doggie... I was at that spot just last summer and even before coming here now was looking at photos of my doggie love...)The Lincoln Cathedral is magnificent! Too bad it's not called St. Nicholas Cathedral! :) And your of the more special ones! You put a lot of work into this posting and I really appreciate it! Thanks, my new "blogging friend!"

Martha said...

How wonderful imac! The header is beautiful as well as the post. Glad to see the headbangers are still going!

DeniseinVA said...

What a great post and a great header too. So lovely to meet all those blogging friends. Who knows Stuart, maybe you can come over to the USA and meet some of us over here one day :)

Sunny said...

Here's to friends! The ones we know and the ones we've yet to meet :)
☼ Sunny

Unknown said...

You are an amazing friend to many and I feel priveleged to have met you as a blogging friend. I loved this post and the header. I looked forward to many many many years of blogging friendship :) your USA friend in the desert!

George said...

What a great post! I've met some of the nicest people in Blogland and have enjoyed meeting several in person. I hope that some day I may make it to your side of the pond and meet you.
Thank you for your birthday wishes.

Unknown said...

This is such a fun post! I am happy to be one of your bloggie friends... perhaps we shall meet one day. :o)

Gerald (SK14) said...

Lovely post - it rained on us in Bergen too - didn't know Rune then though.

Anonymous said...

Very nice tribute to the blogging friends you have met and the places they reside.

Barbara said...

This is a really nice tribute to all your blogging friends, I really like how you have shown where you have met up with blog friends. The header is impressive. I hope I can consider you and your DW as one of my blogger friends.