Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Skywatch (13)

Welcome to SKYWATCH (13) Its only unlucky - if you dont participate.........Cause yoo'll miss all these great skies.

DOT was the creator of SKYWATCH - now ran by the Skywatch Team =.... ITSKI ....

Ivar = Tom = Sandy = Klaus = Imac.

MY SKYWATCH is a mixture from Grantham-on the way home from Duxford-St Ives.

Some of these skies are foreboding, dark, while some are dark sunsets - and BEWARE of the eyes watching you >>>>>in the clouds..... also the sun in no3....ENJOY SKYWATCH and have a great WEEKEND.


Rose said...

These are gorgeous shots...I never tire of sunrises and sunsets. And I love silhouettes.

Katney said...

If there wern't such drama in the skies, then there would be no point in skywatching.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I absolutely love that red ball of a sun. It's awesome!

Did you have to use a super power camera?

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

I love those pretty sky's very nice and they also help me think of Stephan, (my family) a 17 year (youngh) boy who died, "In Thoughts" is called my swf of today.

JoAnn's D Eyes

Texas Travelers said...

Great photos.
Terrific color.
Well done.

Come visit,

Rune Eide said...

A fine selection!

Ivar Østtun said...

Great colloction of skies.Beautiful colors. Have a nice SWF :-)

irish daisies said...

the sunset is my fav i love the way it has so many colors in it! happy SW

Tom said...

These are stunning... I would not dare try to pick a favourite...

Anonymous said...

WOW! As in WOW! I love that 2nd to the last most but all of them are stunning:) My SWF is posted HERE. Have a great day!~

Anonymous said...

I see the eyes watching. And in picture #3 it looks like the sky is crying - the clouds like balled-up fists rubbing the weeping face. Lovely pictures - all of them. Your skies have more dramatic color than mine currently do :-)

SaraG said...

Stunning photo's!!

bobbie said...

Very beautiful, Imac. The last once, especially so.

Gerald (SK14) said...

a super set of pics

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: What outstanding skies you have shown, nicely done.

kjpweb said...

You found gold in the skies! :)
Great work, my friend!
Cheers, Klaus

Carver said...

Those are all wonderful shots. I love the variety. I like the dark ones as well as the fiery colorful ones. Great sequence.

Craver Vii said...

That setting sun over the water is quite a catch! I hope you and your Mrs. are well these days. :-)

Dewdrop said...

Imac, your sky shots are always fascinating and uplifting. Terrific!

Unknown said...

Awesome series, imac!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm. Am I correct that they skies are always beautiful where you are? ;-)

Happy Sky Watch!

Anne-Berit said...


maryt/theteach said...

Just incredible shots of our sky overhead! They weren't all taken at the same time, imac, were they? Happy Skywatch Friday! :)

Merisi said...

Wonderful images! I love the great fiery ball setting in the west.

chrome3d said...

It looks as if those roadsigns are watching the brilliant orange sunset together in the silence of the evening.

vincibene said...

WOW! Gorgeous pictures! Wonderful colours!

aeirin said...

wow... great shots.. terrific colors... great job

Leslie: said...

Looks like a dark horse galloping across the sky in front of the moon in the middle shot! Absolutely stunny photography - well done! :D

Mary said...

they are gorgeous, especially enlargged. happy skywatch friday. :)

Zeee said...

Amazing! I love the photo of the setting sun...it looks like a fiery ball in the night sky!

So far, I've seen sunset photos for SkyWatch..I guess that time of the day is more dramatic.. :)

Jim said...

Thank you Imac, these are very pretty skies in the sun rising and setting. I especially like the one with the full sun barely shining still.
Thank you too for peeking at my cloudless Texas sky. We have that a lot after the foggy seacoast type cloud cover burns off (we are 95 miles from the Gulf of Mexico).

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos of the evening sky! So much beauty in a sunset...

david mcmahon said...

Great shots, as always, iMac. MY favourites are No.2 and No.4.

Torsdag 1952 said...

1,2,3,4,5 great shots.
This will be a wonderful week for SWF, I visited 4 blogs all are beautiful this week (Hildegarde is my favourit).
Hallo fro, Germany

Anonymous said...

One cold, one warm, one turbulent, two golden : a coctail of skies.

mick said...

Terrific photos!

Michele said...

You always have such unique coloring in your photographs... it's very special... very nice post!!

Have a really nice weekend!
Mountain Retreat

Gemma Wiseman said...

This is a great sky gala performance! Absolutely fascinating!

Anonymous said...

Very stunning pictures. I love them. Thanks.


marley said...

Imac, these are all beauties! Great selection for sky watch :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots! I love the 2nd one most! I still have to see that kind of sunset.

Anonymous said...

You have a great set of photos for Sky Watch!

Reader Wil said...

These are most interesting photos of very impressive skies. Thank you so much for the visit! Have a nice SW and a terrific weekend!

Pappy said...

Nice Halloween sky shots. Pappy

Cláudia said...

No words to describe such beauty!
Great shots!

Arija said...

Are yu sure that's the sun not Saturn with a slipped desk?
All of thm aremagical each in it's own way.
Thanks for looking after us and giving us so much pleasure.

Lilli & Nevada said...

What a wonderful set of photos i like the second one the best

CloudStalker said...

Fantastic series! Sunsets seem to be the theme this week! Have a great weekend!

Mary said...

All perfect!!

Pearl Maple said...

Oh what striking photos full of color and interest for sky watch friday, thanks for sharing with us all.

Anonymous said...

I can't miss this wonderful skies of yours. All of them incredible!!
Have a nice weekend.

Fish Whisperer said...

Really wonderful images. You have captured a range of skys that have to be my favorite.

me ann my camera said...

Strong, powerful, intense colour: all wonderful choices for Skywatch Friday! I enjoyed!

Rambling Woods said...

Actually here in the states..there probably eyes watching and ears listening...

abb said...

Your SWF photos are wonderful. But, the water's color in your header is spectacular!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

wonderful, beautiful, fantastic photos! Love them all! the second is my fav i think :D
Happy SWF!

Unknown said...

All great but piccie #2 is stunning

Anonymous said...

Another gorgeous series of photos! The gradient color of the sun and the orange skies are incredible. Love the reflection in the first photo.

Jules said...

Wow - love the last one in particular - so desolate and foreboding!!

I'm sure i saw a hunch-back creeping across the moors!

Lew said...

All are great pictures! My favorite is the second.

Anonymous said...

As good as ever, Imac.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures - especially the one with the sun in main role

FO - 2 said...

Very nice series.
The second shot is just AMAZING! :)))

ArneA said...

Sometime since last visit, but see you still are delivering magnificent photos

Pernille said...

Gorgeous shots all of them!

Have a nice weekend:)

kRiZcPEc said...

love the third one. thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful sky. You captured some real beauty there.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Mgical,a mystical and enchanting. Incredible shots.

Hilda said...

Oh wow, what a treasure chest of beautiful images! I love all of them!

Ingrid said...

Amazing and so beautiful !

Photo Cache said...

Dramatic shots for all of us to enjoy. Thanks for sharing this. They are brilliantly captured.

Enigma said...

Stunning photos. Thank you so much for sharing these dramatic images!

Rob Ripma said...

Awesome shots!

Daryl said...

As always stunning shots!


Norm said...

gorgeous skies! so pretty...

2sweetnsaxy said...

These are absolutely beautiful! And I love the shot in your header too. Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shots. I really like the second one.

D Herrod said...

Very cool.

raf said...

A bevy of bold images, imac! Very impressive selection and perfect for SWF. Thank you!

Yolanda said...

I love the brooding clouding in this photos.

SandyCarlson said...

My friend, each of these takes my breath away. Thank you. Wow.

JunieRose2005 said...


WOW!!! Wonderful skies in your world!! :)

I enjoyed looking !!


Haley H said...

Those are some gorgeous skies. I love the orange and black in most of the photos. Perfect for October. I think the last photo is my favorite. It has a dreamy mood to it.

DeniseinVA said...

A splendid series of SWF photos. All very beautiful photos. It is always an enjoyable visit. Have a great weekend.

Ann said...

Wow. That second one is just glorious - they all are.

Deborah said...

Wonderful shots, i love the colours.
Well done.

Celeste said...

Beautiful shots, the first one definitely looks as if there is a pair of eyes peering from the clouds.

Alan said...

All nice, love the second one best.

Mike's Travels said...

Amazing collection...as usual imac!
My Skywatch

Louis la Vache said...

Imac, you do a superb job of capturing the drama of the skies. Great SWF series!

Yrsa said...

What a wonderful sun-theme! So warm and captivating.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sun shots!

becky aka theRAV said...

Oh, WOW! You definetly have the wow factor with these beauties. Another great job well done.

lv2scpbk said...

Nice shots but I love that 2nd one.

Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

These are stunning photos! They leave me speechless...The sun in the second photo is fabulous!

Sue Seibert said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! these are all beautiful sets of photos. Thanks for the comment.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Absolutely brilliant. Great sight fitst thing this morning.

Kay said...

They are all incredible photos but the second one is classic.