Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Skywatch (4)

This weeks Skywatch of my post is a mixed bag of Goodies.
The 1st Photo is - Welcome - I take you back to the 60s(give or take).
Sky reflection in an old mirror, with a mini skirt.

2nd Photo has music in the Air, The Sky is full of music, whatever your taste you can hear - The Sound of Music.

3rd and last photo, is Sunset at a friends house while having a BBQ, A pleasent eve with plenty of Laughs,Food,and Drink.

Posted by PicasaDont forget to enlarge and Enjoy your Weekend.


Juliana RW said...

wow...the last shot is so stunning

My SWF : The gateway to Heaven Thanks

Flying Solo said...

Wonderful selection!
First one os original!

bobbie said...

All three delightful! The sunset is, of course, spectacular.

Texas Travelers said...

Great photos.
You'll miss the bird if you don't enlarge the last photo.

Our "Sky Watch" is Here.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Welcome back with a great SWF. Very nice timing on your return.

Julie said...

I like the chimes with the musical imagery. Very appropriate, Stewart.

Michele said...

Oh you have done a great job of Skywatch... the love the music in the Air... but the last photo is stunning!
Mountain Retreat

Petunia said...

Very nice post, Imac!!!

Petunia's SWF

rachel said...

all of these photos are each so great. you are such a great photographer! nice work! HAPPY SWF! (:

Kelly said...

Wow! The photos are beautiful! I love the last one of the sunset!!

EG CameraGirl said...

A nice collection of skies, imac. Right now the bottom one sounds most inviting since it includes laughter, food and drink. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love the sunset. It is truly spectacular!

Pernille said...

Very nice shots. The last one is stunning:)

Babs (Beetle) said...

Three lovely shots! The sunset is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

nice series of photos for swf. the sunset is great.

Anne-Berit said...

Your last photo is gorgeous.Wonderful colours!

kjpweb said...

Great selection,there! Especially the last one! Wow!
Cheers, Klaus

Rose said...

I like them all, but the last is my favorite. but as usual, I like seeing how your mind works.

Ellyn said...

The last one is just stunning. loved it.

Jules said...

Love your sense of humour in the first one - brought a smile to my face!!!!

Craver Vii said...

From the angle, I'd surmise those were high notes.

Carver said...

Those are all great. I love the drama of the last one but music in the air is so fanciful that it spoke to me. Not sure what it said but the melody was floating with the notes. Sorry, I'm having a fanciful moment myself.

zakscloset said...

very nice! i like the second one.

Ví Leardi said...

What a day...Loved it.

chanpheng said...

Nice collection of photos. I like the mirror one.

My SWF is over here. Hope you enjoy the views from my part of the world!

Kathie Brown said...

A perfect way to end your day after looking up mini skirts with an old mirror and looking at the Sound of Music (my favorite of the 3). Creative as always, IMAC!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Gosh, Imac! what a great group of photos for Sky Watch. I love them all! The BBQ sunset is superb, and the other two are so clever and so good.

Anonymous said...

Creative post and beautiful shots.
Let enlarge Weekend!

CaBaCuRl said...

Three very different the shapes against the sky.

Anonymous said...

very creative, imac, on your first pic, huh! I like your shot on the sunset! A very nice skywatch indeed!

Fish Whisperer said...

Very good shots for SWF. I really like the first one, it makes you look at it twice.

Jim Klenke said...

All three are great for different reasons.

Raven said...

The last one is dramatic and stunning. I love the cleverness and creativity of the first... and those are cool chimes in the 2nd. Great series.

Katney said...

There are too many skies to just post one each week.

Anonymous said...

I love the last photo. Thas was stunning!

Ingrid said...

the first picture is very special ! very creative too !

Isadora said...

What clever shots! have a great week-end.

Tash said...

I can hear the tinkling of the notes! What a super sunset to enjoy friends, family, food, & a toast.
I'll miss your posts & am glad that you'll be still posting SWF. I know how much time it takes & I visit only a small fraction of the blogs that you do.

Kay said...

You always post the most intriguing and interesting photos!

Angie said...

Great photos Imac but the last one definitely has to be my favourite!

Rune Eide said...

A pleasant collage - "Love is in the air".

Anonymous said...

The first two photos were lovely -- and the third photo is stunning! What planet were you on?

Mike's Travels said...

Love the clefs :)

esnorway said...

nice pics i like them all. great swf have a nice weekend

david mcmahon said...

Sorry I've been AWOL. Really like the second and third pictures.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Highly original and gorgoeos as always.

SandyCarlson said...

These are great. Love that music and the fire in the sky and the step into the past. You've made my morning!

D Herrod said...

What an awesome collection. The 1st one is my fav.

Anonymous said...

That is nice shot and good capture...happy SWF!

Tina Coruth said...

Beautiful photos. The first two are very creative - I love the whimsy of the music. The last photo is stunning!

Louis la Vache said...

That sunset is fabuolous! "Louis" likes the eclectic mix you've shown us today!

VaQueenBee said...

First two are fun, the third is gorgeous! Beautiful pictures!

Unknown said...

a great pictorial way of how to spend a perfect day. Firstly visiting a car boot sale & finding some great records. Secondly listening to them whilst thirdly, enjoying the company of others and watching the sun go down. Great set of shots Mac.

Larry D said...

Excellent photos!

Dewdrop said...

Terrific shots, imac... what were you doing taking a pic of a skirt...? lol I love reflection shots!

dlyn said...

Love all three of them - each lovely in it's own way! Happy SWF and hope you come and see mine here: dlyn

Mary said...

Wonderful! Love that first shot -- very creative. :)

pts said...


Kerri Farley said...

Oh Imac! These are fabulous! Love them all!!

Kimmie said...

Hi Imac!

Wonderful array of photos. I love the second one and the words you put with it. I love music so this one touched a special part of my heart. The third is just beautiful. Thank You for sharing.


raf said...

All three, winning Sky Watch photos, Imac! The third one is just stunning! Especially since we know from your comment that the joy of sharing that spectacular sunset with good friends was involved. Thanks for sharing it with us too!

becky aka theRAV said...

Well,I thought I liked the reflection best until I saw the last one. Such rich amber tones. Beautiful.

ANNA-LYS said...


Have a pleasant weekend IMAC

(( hug ))

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

This last capture is wonderful!
I like sunset, is a romantic moment of our life!

Have a nice weekend!

Berit T said...

WOW! Beautiful all of them!!

Anonymous said...

A nice, diverse selection, each fine in its own way. I particularly like the "song in the air" as it's a bit unusual.

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos! Thanks also for stopping by and leaving me such nice comments on my blog. Much appreciated. Have a great weekend.

coolgirlsar said...

I love the thought you put into making you photos different and fantastic. I love them all! Happy Sky Watch Friday.

Sharon said...

Great choice of photos. The last one is stunning and the first one is very cheeky :-)

Tom said...

Like them all... the mirror and the mini skirt had me worried... ha!.. hope you are on the mend my friend.

H Oh said...

I found you through Doug from Gossamer Tapestry. I love your blog! I will visit often!

kRiZcPEc said...

very nice set of shots.:)

Laurie Black said...

That sunset is amazing...thanks for sharing! :)

ancient one said...


LauraHinNJ said...

Love that first one!

Markus Latva-aho said...

Really terrific shots! They just are so well done. But sorry to say, i think it's pair of shorts:)

Anonymous said...

Excellent! The sunset is just lovely and the photo with the chimes is clever. Your creativity shines through with the old mirror.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photograph. The mood and the scenery is impeccable.

Digital Polaroids said...

Imac, You are talented! This is the firs "musical" Sky Watch!

chrome3d said...

They all have something going for them but I think I take the 60´s mash-up. It´s so random.

i beati said...

These are really goodies sk

Kichu $ Chinnu | à´•ിà´š്à´šു $ à´šിà´¨്à´¨ു said...

great photos... simply loved the third one

lv2scpbk said...

Interesting mirror shot, I like the music notes, and love the sunset. That sunset is stunning.

Anonymous said...

so wonderful pictures