Monday, 15 February 2010

Stained Glass Window Special post 2

Post 1 and 2-YES 2 POSTS of Stained Glass Windows in Lincoln Cathedral, so please click to enlarge and see the Beauty.

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Unknown said...

You made me realise how much I miss being able to visit old churches and cathedrals, they are so stunning.

Sunny said...

I think these (Post 1 & 2) are the most magnificent stained glass windows I've ever seen. Thank you for sharing.
Sunny :)
P.S. Somewhere in the back of my 'feeble' mind, I think I have been to this cathedral when I was a youngster in England.

Bloodhound said...

Done a good job here Imac. The pics are great. Seeing them for real is even better!

Ingrid said...

I love stained glass ! Unfortunately it has mostly religious themes.

Rune Eide said...

Very impressive - both the windows and the photos. You have done a great job here.

myonlyphoto said...

Stained Glass is also one of the reasons I enjoyed touring old churches. Thanks for sharing imac. Anna :)

Unknown said...

Love those stained-glass windows.
Well captured, too :)

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to have a go at making a stained glass window, but never got the opportunity. Bet you DW would find it easy to do.

Unknown said...

Oh WOW! I love stained glass... I don't think we have *anything* like this here in Whitehorse. Thank you for sharing so I can see it too! :o)

Martha said...

All of the stained glass window posts are just wonderful - excellent captures!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

so beautiful thank you again and again for taking us all with you ... there are little chances that most of us would ever get to see them in person!

Anonymous said...

The top one looks like a vintage brooch with gemstones.

Dar said...

Oh SM, with great appreciation, I enjoy each tour you take us on. In the 2nd I see many crosses, doves, so bejeweled they both are. What a blessing for you to see these first-hand. Thanks again for letting us see through your eyes.
God Bless

Steel Windows said...

A stained glass window classification over all is just for a church which window design is so religiously designed to attract people from coming inside. It looks so elegant with the perfect color combination.

Laura Goff said...

Wow those are beautiful windows!

Laura Goff Parham
State of the Art, Inc
Stained Glass Studio