Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Skywatch (12)

Welcome to Skywatch (12). First - I'd like to welcome our 5th member of skywatch team, IVAR, who's going to help Klaus to keep skywatch running smooth and to iron out any bugs.

The Team = * ( ITSKI ) * = IVAR,TOM, SANDY, KLAUS, iMAC.

My Skywatch photos this week - I bring to you The Sunset from the SCILLONIAN The Ferry from the Scilly Islands to Penzance in Cornwall.

HAVE A HAPPY WEEKEND SKYWATCHERS - and Keep those cameras skywards.


Flying Solo said...

Happy sky watch Imac!
Wonderful shots as always, but the first two really got me :)

Rose said...

Oh, I love these! Wonderful interesting shots.

Dewdrop said...

Great shots, imac. I love the golden glow in each of them. The last, the silhouette of all the (mast poles???) is gorgeous.

Berit T said...

Great photos all of them!!

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful photos! Love it!:)My SWF is posted HERE. Happy Sky Watching!~

Juliana RW said...

beautiful sunset shots u have

I hope you stop by at my SWF post also in HERE. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Oh what beautiful golden shots! I like them all and thanks for all your hard work in keeping the sky watch site going well....

Roses and Lilacs said...

Very nice shots. Love the silhouettes against the golden sky.

Anonymous said...

Wow - my favorite are the first two. Makes me want to go to the sea. And sail. Into all the sunsets. Very nice!

Photo Cache said...

zen moments from your skywatch entry today. thanks. see you next week.

Tom said...

I really like the light and colour of these ..
Nice touch with the welcome for Ivar Imac...

Carletta said...

Lovely silhouettes!
Ivar will be a great addition.

I loved your ending 'keep those cameras skyward' - sometimes I think mine's there too much. :)

Reader Wil said...

I like these photos very much! They are simply perfect! Very beautiful!

Anne-Berit said...

I really like the first two pictures,love the varm colours.

Arija said...

Thank you for making SW possible for the rest of us.
Your sunsets are spectacular. particularly the first shot with the boat of dreams sailing up the golden carpet straight into the magic realm of Sol personified.

Quiet Paths said...

Anything to do with small boats I love. These are wonderful; the colors so pretty. Thank you.

Ivar Østtun said...

Lovely sunset. Great captured.
Thank you for letting me become a member of your team. I am proud :-)
Have a nice weekend

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: What neat shots through the boats. You picked a great add on to the group. I've missed your regular posts.

Leedra said...

Love the coloring in the first 2 photographs, so different.

Aisha said...

Hey Imac! Great shots! Love it.

Anonymous said...

It just doesn't get any better than that for someone like me who loves boats and golden skies.

Max-e said...

Nice series you have here Imac - nothing quite like sunset and water

Dick said...

Oh, the water looks like liquid gold.

Celeste said...

Aah the Scilly Isles, your beautiful photos bought back many happy memories. My husband and I had our marraige blessing on St Martins. Did you stay out there or visit for the day?

SandyCarlson said...

Very, very beautiful, IMAC. Cornwall is gorgeous.

EG CameraGirl said...

The sailboat photos are speaking to my heat, imac. Really nice!
Happy Sky Watch!

Unknown said...

Wonderful shots as always!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

wow Imac what a fantastic sky I love sailing boats!

Happy skywatch!mine is here:

vincibene said...

WOW! Fantastic! I love the golden sunsets!

Craver Vii said...

That first shot is your picture, Mac! The sail and sun form the letter "i" (for i-mac).

I trust you had a good time out there.

Tricia Ryder said...

There's something about subtle sunset colours and yours in particular Imac; and the Cornish light too.

MumbaiiteAnu said...

These are spectacular sunset shots.
Happy Skywatch.

My sky hangout is here

Torsdag 1952 said...

Sun, sky, boats, sailing and wonderful silhouettes, I love that.

Barbara said...

Great sunsets Mac, I have posted a sunset too.

Leslie: said...

Stunning photos - love the nuances of colour. :) Mine's up now at The Photologue.

Lapa37 said...

Very nice with the sunset and the boats in the forefront.

Jules said...

Love this series - you were certainly in the right spot to get them!!!

Angie said...

Glorious shots Imac.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Wonderful shots!
Perfect colors!


Jane Hards Photography said...

It's abeautiful part of the world, the light is perfect for artists. Wonderful series of shots.

Anonymous said...

Great shots, the sun on the water.

Anonymous said...

the colors! the hues! i love it! happy weekend!

Annie said...

Ah, very wonderful photos, thankyou! And for all your help with Skywatch!

There is nothing like a good sunset..and especially over the water!


Patricia said...

The sunset looks so beautiful! I love the orange..

Laura ~Peach~ said...

the first two floor me we so rarely see any golden skies here... and your header always takes my breath!
HUGs Laura

chrome3d said...

Evening looks so warm and inviting. I would like to sail there too.

ANNA-LYS said...

Good luck with the team, IMAC!

Lovely warm shots!

Have a great weekend!


Dirkjogt said...

I like these sunsets very much, great pictures!

Ingrid said...

Wow these pictures are breathtaking !

Cathy said...

Awesome. Marvelous sun set.

Pernille said...

Just wonderful shots again, Imac!

Have a nice weekend:)

Tootie said...

Wow, two of my favorite things all in the same photos, sailboats and sunsets. :-) Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Lovley photos. Thanks for joining the team to keep this group running.

Jim Klenke said...

Nice place to view a sunset. Pretty relaxing I bet.

Catherine said...

Thanks to bring us with you in your colorful crossing.
You chose the better time of the day .

Müge Tekil said...

Wonderful sunset photos! Have a pleasant week-end dear Imac.

Kelly said...

What a gorgeous silhouette of the ships mast! The golden hues are lovely and make for beautiful pictures! Great SWF photos as usual!

Gerald (SK14) said...

They must have changed the schedules since we went on it nearly 40 years ago when it always left in the afternoon long before sunset.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots. :)

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

F A N T A S T I C sunset IMAC!
I love this photo's very much.

Please look at my skywatch here with windmills:
JoAnn's D Eyes/Holland

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Cornwall sunset.

becky aka theRAV said...

You and I seem to be into golden sunsets.

Unknown said...

These are all stunning shots, love the reflections

Anonymous said...

Little boats, big boats, red sails in the sunset ...

 gmirage said...

The golden glow of the water...Wow!

I love golden sunsets! Happy weekend!

A late visit (but still on a Friday) from ViennaDaily.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunset!!!

Gretchen said...

Just gorgeous photos! Makes me miss the water.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your photos are magnificent! Your page is going on my favorites list so I can check out your page regularly!!! Thanks for sharing & for helping to bring Sky Watch to us all!

Mike's Travels said...

Gorgeous photos as usual imac!

Shammickite said...

Lovely colours in these photos!

Cath said...

Those first two just take my breath away. This is somewhere I have always wanted to visit. Beautiful sunset.

Welcome Ivar - I'll find his blog and visit.

Anonymous said...

Love the sunset... well all of them really! Great shots!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Beautiful picture here. Thanks for sharing.

Sandy Kessler said...

that good old golden sunset sandy

Anonymous said...

I esp. like the ones in which you also show the seats and a traveler, cool.

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" particularly likes the contrast between the rigging of the boats against the sky in the final image. Good job, as always, imac!