Tuesday, 14 October 2008


Welcome to SKYWATCH (14).

This week my SKYWATCH Photos are different -- ( Different I hear you say???) Well just listen and I will Tell-------

Some months ago Tom from Wiggers world and our Team Leader of SKYWATCH, started a blog called PAINTBOX PICTURES, where the members posted photos that had been altered by their different programs then in the comments the members put how these photos were altered.

My SKYWATCH Photos this week are a sample of what I posted.

These were altered by = Adobe Photoshop Elements - Fotosketcher - Picasa and their elements and filters.

Photo title 1 = HEAVENLY LIGHT.




HAPPY SKYWATCHING from (ITSKI) Ivar - Tom - Sandy - Klaus - Imac (the SKYWATCH team.) We now have 2 new members to SKYWATCH, Welcome Wren and Fishing Guy.



EG CameraGirl said...

I LOVE it that you're showing these off. They are GREAT!

Photo Cache said...

Yeah, I have been to paintbox site and I am simply awed by the way the great pictures have been manipulated. Glad you showed us some of these on skywatch.

I am partial to the last shot.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

so IMAC,
YES! its as you say here... the photo's are really artistic "like paintings" indeed, I love this style very much and I a considdering (I did before also) but I am soon leaving... after this trip maybe?

... I hope that YOU or another SWF-team-member is able to sign-ME-in ?because our plane is leaving soon..
? please could you sign-me up- ( I hope you see this message on time...)My name is: JOANN'S-D-EYES and my URL: www.joannwalraven.blogspot.com

Thank you and happy SKYWATCH

Anonymous said...

Hi Mac my old friend
I was delighted when I saw your comment on my blog, I thought Mac is back in Town.
I can see you haven't been wasting your time during your extended rest from blogging - that's an awesome collection of pics you've got there
Good to hear from you.
Best wishes

Tom said...

Excellent choice for showing on Sky Watch Imac.. I like them all but as you already know my favourite is the last one.... it's a cracker.

Torsdag 1952 said...

I like this different way of documentation because the colours turn out in a special way.
Have a nice SWF.

Louise said...

Quite artistic. Well done SkyWatch!

SaraG said...

Wonderfully Different!!
Great photo's.
Take care.

Rose said...

They are as awesome the second time around as when you first did them for Paintbox.

Anonymous said...

Interesting and unusual. Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

There are different and I love it!

Texas Travelers said...

I did enjoy these a lot.

Nice "Sky Watch" today.
Come visit our , Horizontal Light.
Troy and Martha

Anonymous said...

And I like them all! Nice approach for this week;) That first one is amazing!~Mine is posted HERE. Happy SWF!~

Juliana RW said...

wow...cool playing with your photos :D

I hope you stop by at my SWF post also in HERE. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Those are all wonderful. I'd like to be sitting beside the lighthouse at twilight.

bobbie said...

I know nothing about htese programs. I do know that I love that lighthouse photo!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Really neat photo modification, you made these skies special.

mick said...

Very interesting photos and thanks for posting the link to the other site.

Kahshe Cottager said...

They are unique and I just love the last one!

My Sky Watch Photos are posted Here and Here

Carletta said...

Different yes, and wonderful!
Each one is a piece of art.

Rune Eide said...

You don't have more fun than you make yourselves - and you obviously had lots of that!

vincibene said...

WOW! I like them all!

Arija said...

I bet you had great fun doing these!

Maggie May said...

Thought I would just pop over & see how you were doing! Your photos ARE unusual but really great!

FO - 2 said...

Artistic Sky Watch.
They are beautiful, every single one of them.
The last picture is wonderful, though! :)

Reader Wil said...

Very cleverly done! All of them are great and all of them differ from each other. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really enjoy this meme.

Anne-Berit said...

Beautiful Imac,you really got something different to show us this time.Love it!

Anonymous said...

Wow so interesting artistically. I really enjoyed seeing them...

Mary said...

oh what FUN! they are all fabulous, but I love the second one. happy swf. :)

Michele said...

Super cool! I think I need to invest in programs...
Mountain Retreat- Canada

indicaspecies said...

Fabulous pictures, and good titles. Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

We LOVE the last one! How incredible. It looks like a watercolor painting. Shouldn't it be hanging in a gallery somewhere?

me ann my camera said...

Wow... different but enjoyable!

Pearl Maple said...

Oh yes they are different, can't hide great photos with fancy technology though, interesting to see what folks can do with the new programs we have available these days. Thanks for sharing.

Jackie said...

oh my I love them. I love graphics also.

These are beautiful. I especially like the last one in this series but they are all fabulous.

This is my first go round. I do so hope you will drop by.


Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.

Unknown said...

I think they're great, especially the thrid one

Larry D said...

Great photos, very interesting!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

definately different... The only altering i have ever learned is cropping :)
Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful and very creative.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderfully creative series for SWF, iMac! Thank you for sharing them with us!

SandyCarlson said...

These are different, and they are great!

naturglede/Randi Lind said...

Very spesial! I love them. Have a nice weekend:)

Unknown said...

Those are all wonderful. Great ide for sky watch.

kRiZcPEc said...

infrared? very different indeed.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love these unusual photos. I am especially intrugued by the last one. Somehow it reminds me of the detailed im ages in Bosche's paintings!

Andrea said...

They are are great but WOW to the 1st & 3rd pictures.

Anonymous said...

Wow - there are different. And very cool. One day when I grow up (and my workload decreases or my hours increases) I might try a photo editing thing. For now I can just enjoy your pictures! I love the first one - very striking light.

Anonymous said...

Very creative way of doing that. Its great. TC

DeeMom said...


Dewdrop said...

Your first shot actually stole my breath away! That is phenomenal! Wow! Great collection, but that first... wow!

Jeannelle said...

Well, very cool! Different is good, you know.

Thank you for all your work with SkyWatch! I'm looking forward to the new MyWorldTuesday!

Daryl said...

Wonderful ...


Craver Vii said...

What a collection! These artistic effects are so cool; I love them all. I noticed that the statue in the "Halloween" shot is Newton; he's one of my faves!

Tootie said...

I love change! The last one is the winner! :-) It was a contest, right????

Anonymous said...

They're great. I really enjoyed the way you altered them. Very artistic.

chrome3d said...

These are great. Somehow quite gothic. Wonderful textures. I take the big cross.

Mike's Travels said...

Cool! My favourite is the lighthouse :)

dot said...

Very different but I like them...especially the lighthouse.

TwD said...

Looked through till down the 1st page...yes, your blog is worth of digging...
PS.Paintbox is interesting thing, when I had Corel some years ago, I did some manipulations too, but not now...

Unknown said...

A great range of styles from the old master!

Faery said...

I liked them all they are awesome and the first one is my favorite

raf said...

Creative and very enjoyable, imac! Thanks for the change of pace.

Ingrid said...

Sorry, my computer is lazy this morning I can't see the pictures !

Lew said...

Great sky watch! There is a surreal quality to them. I really like the trees along the road.

Nancy said...

Very cool pictures.

ayamlin said...

All your pictures are really beautiful! how artistic your works are!Thank you for sharing us!

lv2scpbk said...

My two favorites are of the cross and the clock photo.

Texas Travelers said...

Came back for another look.
Interesting and great photos.

Come visit anytime,
Troy and Martha

PS: Alaska Sunday Hope, AK photos are up today.

Jane Hards Photography said...

These images are incredible.

CloudStalker said...

Wow! I love it!! The first one really blow me away!

Louis la Vache said...

It's nice to see these Paintbox Pictures here. Thank you for posting them for the Sky Watch audience (who might not have happened by the Paintbox sight) to see.

zakscloset said...

FANTASTIC PHOTOS!!! as always!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Wonderful, Imac! I'm glad you chose to showcase your art (yes, it is art) on Sky Watch.

ANNA-LYS said...


Cape Cod Washashore said...

I LOVE these photos, Imac! I've been gone from your blog for too many months (summer kept me away, and autumn fell quickly on summer's toes)! Anyhow... I've a new camera in tow and I've taken to photographing these parts of New England once again. =)

soulbrush said...

these are absolutely blooming marvellous!