Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Skywatch (11)

SKYWATCH (11). Created by Dot = Now run by TOM - SANDY - KLAUS - iMAC.

Back from holls in St Ives Cornwall -I bring - for your delight - my skywatch reflections of a Sunrise from our bathroom - also our Balcony.

Pic 1 is the shaving mirror in the bathroom showing the sunrise.

Pic 2 is the sun shining on the shower's tiled wall - showing the shaving mirror.

Pic 3 is the reflection of the sunrise also me taking the pic thru the window of the balcony door.

Pic 4 shows the balcony and the door.

HAPPY SKYWATCHING FOLKS --keep an eye out - for I'm starting my BLOGGING again in October HERE - starting with the Tall Ships Race from Falmouth.


Louise said...

Cool SWF post. I love the shadows and reflections and the quality of the golden light! Very nice.

ANNA-LYS said...

B A C K <3

ANNA-LYS said...

(I still don't get Your pictures)

Flying Solo said...

Awesome Imac!
Very original and artistic!

Dewdrop said...

I love the shadow of the shave mirror. Welcome back!

naturglede/Randi Lind said...

Cool photoes for skywatch!

Texas Travelers said...

Nice series of photos.

Come visit anytime,
Troy and Martha

Anonymous said...

Very unique way to capture a beautiful sunrise! Very nice.

Rune Eide said...

Welcome back!

I think I'll take the last one - it has the right holiday feeling.

Merisi said...

Very creative way to capture the sunrise, without ever leaving the house! :-)

Roses and Lilacs said...

Unique perspective. I love unusual.

Anonymous said...

Those are all very interesting shots. I'd like to be standing on that balcony.

Anonymous said...

A searching photograph in SWF. Beautiful result shots.
Good weekend too.

Anne-Berit said...

Great Sky Watch-post:o)

Ivar Østtun said...

Interesting and great ideas for swf :-)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i like the mirror shot thats just cool!

Anonymous said...

What an interesting series of photos!

Photo Cache said...

Nice shots. Happy skywatching.

 gmirage said...

You always have creative photos that surprise me!

THanks for the wonderful shots! Happy skywatching...Viennadaily

Woody said...

Great Photos!

SaraG said...

Amazing photos. Very interesting ways to photograph!

Take care

Craver Vii said...

Excellent, as always! So good to "see" you again, Sir!

Alan Pulley said...

Very creative! Love pic #1!


Reader Wil said...

Very new and unusual way to handle the sunrise. Interesting post!
Thanks for visiting.

Unknown said...

Amazing shots, imac!

Anonymous said...

I love reflections and reflected light. Intriguing to think of the sky light relfected on tile. Very intruiguing contributions!

vincibene said...

Cool originally idea!

EG CameraGirl said...

Welcome back, imac. Very creative photos here. Happy Sky Watch!

Gemma Wiseman said...

What an amazing series of pics! Shadows and reflections on ordinary every day shapes Creatively different!

Jules said...

Good to see you back on the blogging circuit!!!

Love how the sunset lights up the whole place - holidays are great for photos we have time to chase the sun!!!.

Müge Tekil said...

Dear Imac,

These photos are great examples of CREATIVITY! Very clever idea, very nice photos!

Friendly greetings,

Kim said...

That first one is awesome, great skies :)

Lapa37 said...

Very interesting photos I like it.

bobbie said...

A great series. I really love the shower picture.

Anonymous said...

Four different perspectives. All nice!

nonizamboni said...

Clever views! Beautiful balcony shot too. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to October!

Carletta said...

Love the one in the shaving mirror!
Clever capture that's awesome.

Anonymous said...

What an amazingly different way to take a sunset photo. Stunning
Happy SWF

Pat - Arkansas said...

You are getting very creative with your photos, Imac! Good job. Love the shaving mirror image!

Jeanne said...

Oh my goodness what great shots and very unique.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous - and looking forward to your ship race blog!

Adventure girl said...

Being such a newbie, I am flattered that you stopped by my site and gave me a compliment. Thank you.

Your shots and site are awesome.

Your bathroom is on your balcony???

Come back anytime;)

Country Girl said...

Love your bathroom shots, imac!!

Maybe we should start something new, call it "view from my commode" . . .

Ok. It was just a thought.

CloudStalker said...

Fantastic! I love the first with sunset in your shaving mirror!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Nice to have you back, what a neat series of shots. That was very imaginative. Was't there a story about a man from St Ives?

Anonymous said...

Reflections always are interesting to photograph. They give a novel view of the world.

SandyCarlson said...

Imac, you are back with a bang. These are wonderful. I have to repeat Louise--I love the shadows and the light.

Arija said...

Glad you were awake and had sufficient presence of mind to grab your camera. Just out of interest, do you always sleep with it under your pillow in case you need to shoot?
Ha, you have a real double sided shaving mirror, not often seen in these days of glitzy bathrooms.
NB, I love your sunrise and shots as well.

Katney said...

Intersting collection. It can be fun to see what you can do within a space.

Lilli & Nevada said...

some of the photos are not coming up for me, but the ones that do are beautiful love the reflection in the bathroom

Anonymous said...

well done. you always have the most unique swf photos!!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Ingenious and wonderful shots. Good to see you back.

Cathy said...

Well..that sure is a different view.. I love it..

indicaspecies said...

The orange glow in the first picture is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Hope you had a nice time! As usual, these are very creative shots. I can't make up my mind which one I like the most. Great captures!

Ingrid said...

That's really something very special for Skywatch ! beautiful !

Kelly said...

These are really wonderful and so creative pictures! The reflections and use of color are so artistic and creative!! Great job and sure am looking forward to you coming back!

chrome3d said...

It´s a beautiful moment when the sun has gone up and everything is still bathed in warm light.

raf said...

Very creative pix for SWF, imac! See you in October.

Daryl said...

Lovely shadows


DeniseinVA said...

Great photos, love the creativity of them all. Happy SkyWatch Friday :)

Rune Eide said...

Me again: Welcome any time!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I like the shadows on the post and the reflections too. The top few photos never did load or show up.

The only link that you have on your sidebar that works for me is the one.

The rest were deleted as they were too much for me to do. I still have four but not 9.


Neva said...

very nice shots!

Mike's Travels said...

Cool mirror shot imac!

♥ Stines hverdag said...

Great Sky Watch! And beautiful soft light.

Lew said...

Looks like a beautiful place for a holiday! I like the light and the reflective nature of these pictures. I'm looking forward to your regular posts, especially the tall ships.

Anonymous said...

great skywatch photos

maryt/theteach said...

Brilliant shots, imac! Happy Skywatch Friday!

Leslie: said...

Wow! great shots ~ I love the shadow effect you got and the reds and oranges of the sunrise.

Wendy said...

Fantastic skywatch photos! I love the different perspectives.

Cath said...

Fabulous shots. Hope you had a great time.
I love that first one in the mirror.

Tootie said...

Really neat photos!

Janet said...

So colorful, and the reflections are so creative. You have quite an eye and camera!

MaryAnn Ashley said...

Love them!

Unknown said...

What a fab idea and I am so envious of your time in Cornwall

Sharon said...

Looks like a great trip, I love the shower pic :)

Lana Gramlich said...

Very nice! I love it when the setting sun casts that orange-y light. Very surreal. Love the balcony shot, too. Have a great weekend!

Maria's Space said...

Wow....very nice...only got to see the last 4 pictures. I wanted to see the 1st one but maybe I'll just keep stopping by and eventually it will be there.

Celeste said...

Welcome back, I hope you had a great time in St Ives. According to my parents who live in Newlyn, you had some beautiful weather. Cornwall in September, how lovely :) I look forward to the tall ships.

Catherine said...

Your captures are always so unique, well thought out, and shown to us through your fantastic eye! I really like the first two!
Wishing you a beautiful weekend Imac and of course Happy Sky~Watching!

lv2scpbk said...

Nice creative photos.

Pearl Maple said...

Fun photos for Sky Watch Friday, the play of light and shadows is interesting and inspiring.

Thanks for sharing.

DeeMom said...

Gald you all had a great time

Super pictures

Louis la Vache said...

Very clever post, imac!