by Christine
Week 3 of ==
My Showcase Header this week is Craver - and our singer is ---
------Elvis Presley singing - How Great Thou Art.
No Craver my friend, Elvis isn't singing about you my friend,lol
I hope you folk are listening and enjoying your music when its played?? lol
Almost Perfect comes from Christine this week,
a photo that you like but its not quite perfect.
Oh well then, I have 1000s of them, so I hope you have plenty of time this week to check them all out ---only joking lol.
My Header
2 lads fishing for crabs, I was watching them and taking a few shots, when I saw this huge wave about to crash, raise-aim-fire - oh bother, not caught the lad crabing fully in the frame, HO BOTHER - or such like words,lol - but I did catch the wave beautifully.I also like how the lad leans to his left when the wave broke, but no alarm bells ringing from him.
How about this one then
This Lad however must have been a little shocked eh?, but again chopped his hair off - poor lad, talk about have a close shave eh. lol lol.
Lets try something completely different
I also love this shot, what could be added to complete this shot is a train coming towards me from around the bend.
Ever been out on the Tiles all-night??, I love this shot, but to make incomplete would be a cat walking along the top here.
One of my favourites is this shot, but to make this complete would have to have a surfer riding the wave, or someone standing on these rocks.
Well folks thats it from me this week - less photos to look at - so pop and listen to my Music Showcase,lol.
Pop over to my side bar - near my shield and visit the other Headbangers and see what they are showing for Christine's Theme of ALMOST PERFECT.
Mac: Your perfection far exceeds mine. I think you have some perfect photos.
Good selections! I know how you feel when you think you captured a moment and then find that something is missing from the shot... like the top of the lad's head. They're still great pics, though.
A little story about that hymn. Some years ago, together with my pastor and asst. pastor, I visited a friend who was unresponsive in the hospital. Nevertheless, we talked to her, prayed for her, read a Psalm. Then quietly, we three sang How Great Thou Art. A tear rolled down her face and shortly afterwards, she was with Jesus in heaven.
Oh, wow, these are GREAT and capture the theme PERFECTLY. No pun intended! As soon as I saw your header I laughed--great capture of the lad's bum, lol! And I absolutely love the perfect moment of the wave crashing and the other lad leaning a bit. Nice work!
Love the wall of water and the nonchalant lad. You captured the moment if not the perfect frame. And wouldn't we all like to freeze the scene while we fussed with the camera before snapping the shutter?
Great capture of the wave! You'll have to get onto photoshop to add the missing links!
I've chopped off a few heads in photos, myself. But, I don't get these splendid shots. Ever.
Oh, Craver. What a beautiful moment I've just pictured as I read this. God bless you, my friend.
How great our Lord is. How touched I am to read this.
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