Thursday, 8 April 2010

Caves at The Rock Cemetery in Nottingham.

Welcome to the caves,as you can see this cemetery is on different levels, with winding pathways to each level.
Next post - the Paupers Graves.

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Becca's Dirt said...

That is so neat. Wow - when I see places like that my mind wonders back in time wondering what it must have been like then.

Staffan H said...

Very interesting and unusual photos. They are really something special (and thanks for "letting me join you").

Dar said...

Very interesting cemetery. Rather mysterious.
The caves look cool and eery. Love the photos

Unknown said...

Didn't know about these caves. Even my Flickr gang haven't taken any shots of these.

Sunny said...

Wow, what an interesting cemetery; I wonder if there are ghosts.
Sunny :)

Unknown said...

You know I really think I've been there in my youth, it's so familiar. Hope you're well, sorry I haven't been here much, lots of stuff to deal with here.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wooooo---what an incredible place, Mac... I loved seeing all of the caves and the tunnels... OH--how I'd love to see that place...Neat--Neat--Neat!

Ingrid said...

This cimetary is a kind of romantic, I never have seen such, it's very special.

Tom said...

I had to go and google this and read all about the place... what an interesting history this area as .. Fantastic pictures and a great set of postings...

James said...

That really looks like an amazing place. These photos are great especially the one that looks down on the grave.

Rick said...

Great shots imac. I really like the ones of the caves - very interesting colours and the look of mystery.