Austrian Cable Car, after visiting the top of the mountain(The Steinplatte)
we are going downnnnn by Cable Car to our Village Waidring.



To Waidring Village
Fabulous photos! What a view!
Hi Imac... I went on the cable car in Matlock Bath.... never never again.. I was scared to bits. Never been so glad to get my feet on the ground.
You asked if I'd ever been hanging by a thread? Once... in the mountains of NC...didn't enjoy that experience..LOL
You got some good shots. Must not have bothered you so much!
Most excellent the idea you visit Austria.
I wish you pass well because have, good food, splendid stay, very amusement and improbable photographs.
Lovely series of pictures. I shot a similar essay in Vancouver, Canada.
Kinda reminds me of the classic scenes from `Where Eagles Dare'. Did you ever see that?
Wow,nice pictures! Wouldn't get me in one of those things tho.
Extraordinary view and breathtaking pictures
What a view! My family went on a cable car in New Hampshire last summer, in the White Mountains. I find your view MUCH more fascinating!
Nice view from the top. I have a fear for heights but that does not stop me from sitting cable cars or ferris wheel cause I simply love looking at beautiful scenery from the top. I just hang on real tight to my seat...hahaha.
I would love to ride in one of those up and down a mountain. Wonderful photos.
Looks like fun!
wow lovely pics!
Fantastic view very well capture it. I always wanted to be in a place and cable car like this. Thank you for shared with us
Whoa this looks awesome. I would love to see a village like that and head up in that gondola!! How fun. Nice shots.. :)
Do you have to provide your own parachute!
wow, nice documentary photos! i feel like i'm actually going down!! yippieee!
Hmmm... I never imagined I'd be afraid of riding in one of those cars, 'till I saw your pictures. Nice shots... scary, but nice.
I can't look at these! I'll get sick! LOL!!! I have a great fear of heights.
Oh that is way too scary! You're a brave man to go on that. I actually got dizzy when I looked at the photos. I admire that you can do that.
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