Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Welcome to my choice for the Headbangers Challenge -

My music is  Paul McCartney singing
No other Baby - in B/W - A piece of Art in itself.

Art takes on many styles and forms, Paintings,Sculpture or just Photography ect ect.
I hope to show all of these and a touch of my Artistic Photography - 
But my Header is showing Tullie House in the City of Carlisle.

When we were at the Folk Festival a couple of weeks ago at Ireby Village in Cumbria, we took a day out to visit the City of Carlisle, only 20mins  ride down the road.

Tullie House is an Art Gallery and Museum and my Header shows the staircase which is Arty in itself, plus there are famous paintings on the walls.

Lets just see what I can show you lovely folk of B/W Art.
 Here we are looking through a Sculpture from Barbara Hepworth into her Sculptured Garden in St Ives - Cornwall - 

 An Arty B/W fountain in the square of Birmingham City

 Arty B/W Billboard in Birmingham City - Dont you just LOVE it!

 Yes Kathy - you are right - Its Lincoln City Cathedral, taken from the walls of Lincoln Castle - True B/W Art.

 Midnight - and once a year the B/W Arty ghost ship sails the seas.

 To celebrate my 65th Birthday(soon)  we have B/W bubbles

 An Arty B/W shot of row boats 

 B/W Arty snow-show on a Gate

 B/W Arty sculptured Angel

 A B/W Arty Curled Dried leaf

 A true B/W Arty shot of a Dripping Tap - This took over 2 hours to perfect, to catch the drip-s as they fell, trying to capture the drips at the right speed isn't as easy as it looks. (this one may interest Craver-lol)

 A Dandelion seed head makes a great B/W Arty shot

 BEWARE -  may contain Spiders?  M-I-Ls shed as I opened the door, which hadn't  been opened in 8 years - Makes a great B/W Arty shot.

 The Artists Delight - Staithes village in North Yorkshire - Needless to say this makes a great B/W arty shot.

One of my favourite shots, taken in St Ives Cornwall
In B/W or colour - this makes a Great Arty shot.

Now please go to my side bar, near my shield and visit the other Heradbangers and see their take on my choice of themes - B/W Art.


Katney said...

And they just went on and on. There is so much that looks good in Black and White, and yes, I probably have a cathedral picture much like that one--but in color. I wandered randomly through my photo files, realizing that I would have little time today to attend to the project and needed to get it done before I hit the sack last night.

Jackie said...

You have the eye of an artist, Stewart. Your work is always amazing to me...

Adam said...

wonderful photos

DeniseinVA said...

These black and white shots are brilliant! I also enjoyed the Paul McCartney song too.

An English Girl Rambles

Ingrid said...

I love the staircase ! Wished I would have one like this, but also the personal to polish it, lol !
Beautiful pictures !

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

My Mac, you are the B&W king.

Craver Vii said...

Oh, but I was CERTAIN that was your home and that the pictures contained Julie's paintings and your photographs! Nice place ya got there! ;-)

Oh boy, you're absolutely right about the drops of water. That picture ROCKS! I've been wanting to do something special with drops, but my idea won't work outside on account of the wind.

Your mother-in-law's shed looks exactly like what my doctor sees when she probes my ears. Plus it echoes in there.

ancient one said...

Great B/W shots !!

George said...

All of these photos are very art. Your header is magnificent, as is the picture of the Lincoln City Cathedral. But your ghost ship really blew me away.

Lew said...

Indeed a great series of B&W shots - truly a artistic photographic view of many art objects! Fantastic photo of the cork leaving the champagne bottle!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Stewart, I'm not much of a fan of B&W --preferring color, but your photos are good and some of them are very well-done in B&W.. Thanks for sharing.

Carletta said...

My gosh where to start! Some really excellent photography work here my friend!
The staircase is ornate and gorgeous, I do love the coke bottles, the champagne, the row boats and the water drops - standouts!!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Stunning b&w compositions, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Wow - what artistic and beautiful shots. Love the header but the drop from the tap is a stunner!

ju-north said...

Fabulous b/w shots! What a spectacular stairway! and I love the snow on the gate.

Linda said...

Great series of photos. That staircase is amazing, Stewart!

Rune Eide said...

You handle this difficult art very well - I'm impressed!