Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Header Challenge - Recent Snap Shots by Craver.

Last weekend Julie and I went up North to a little Village called Ireby, once a year Ireby comes ALIVE for their Folk Festival, 2 days of non stop music in 3 places in the village + acts in the square and streets.  Many camper vans,and tents pitch in 2 fields, while others, like us stayed in a B&B. Av attended around 500 folk - The age group  are between 3-4 yrs with their parents  to OAPs.
Topping the bill were Seth Lakeman and his band, who had ev1 on their feet. 

A fantastic weekend.

On our way up we stopped off at a town called Knaresborough -a beautiful place also we went to see  Mothers Shipton's Cave, and this is where my Recent Snap Shots are from.

My music with photos are also from Knaresborough and Mother Shiptons Cave

To see more info see here

My Header.

The Viaduct over the river at Knaresborough.

More Photos by the River

Now lets go to see Mother Shiptons Cave shall we, we have a little walk through the forest first.

more info here =

Oh, hello Julie, In the height of the season, theres a charabang Coach takes you to Mother Shiptons Cave, but we will have to walk.

Can you smell the wild Garlic, sniff, wow beautiful

The suns beautiful when it shines through the leaves

Now for a wonderful sight
The Tree Sculpture of an Angel

Nearly there
This is the Spring that goes into The Petrifying well
info here 
The Petrifying well
Here you see things have been hung up and as the water drips over the items  it petrifies them as time passes.

Now to see the cave where Mother Shipton was born 

Standing inside Mother Shiptons Cave

I do hope you all have enjoyed your visit into the past to Mother Shiptons Cave, also to Knaresborough.

Please go to my side bar near my shield  and visit the other Headbangers and see their take on Cravers theme of Recent snap shots.



Cezar and Léia said...

Special set of pictures and your header is wonderful!
I also love these beautiful reflections, great compositions!

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a wonderfully spring-like set of shots. Love the river photos with reflections!

Lew said...

Your feet and your Nikon do get a workout on your trips! Love the shots of the viaduct and the trail to the cave. And the story is wonderful lore with a woman Henry VIII could not control.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: What a neat place and great photos of the river.

George said...

Your photos of the river are marvelous. I really like the reflections you captured. The story of Mother Shipton sounds fascinating. I like the picture of Julie peeking around the tree.

Rune Eide said...

I REALLY envy you that Header! A whole history in one photo.

Tom said...

Always a pleasure to call by here to see just where you have been and what you and Julie got up to. Fantastic pictures Stewart.. love them all but your header shot is 5 Star..

DeniseinVA said...

You have some fantastic photos here. Love the one of Julie peeking from behind the tree. Love the header photo and everything else tpp, such a picturesque place.

An English Girl Rambles

Carletta said...

Your header shot is stunning!
I loved the walk to the cave. The angel sculpture is magnificent.
Terrific post!!!

Linda said...

A beautiful and fun series of photos...and header!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---awesome photos in an awesome place. We'd love to be there doing that hiking and wandering around such a beautiful place!!!! Gorgeous!!!

Love the reflection ones including your header the most. TERRIFIC..

Betty Manousos said...

oh my word what a spectacular!

i really like your header.

simply GORGEOUS!

ju-north said...

What a wonderful place! A great set of shots!

photowannabe said...

Absolutely magical place and photos.
I feel like I was in The Secret Garden.
Love your picture of Julie peeking out from the tree trunk.

James said...

Looks like a wonderful place to spend a day. I really enjoyed your photos!

Rick said...

Wow - you outdid yourself with these, Mac ! Gorgeous shots -love that bridge ( & header) the best.

Ingrid said...

What a wonderful tour !
I just finished mine around the UK, it had been wonderful ! The weather was so nice even Nessie could take a sunbath. It only started to rain the two days in Bath, Stonehenge and London. Now I am busy to sort out all the pictures ! We did about 2000 km in 7 days !! (I posted on my Writer Cramps blog)

ancient one said...

Love the header!! This post was very interesting... Loved all the photos!

SandyCarlson said...

Your header is great, and so are you. These photos create a wonderful atmosphere that is so immediate and timeless. What a beautiful place.

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Beautiful header. As are the other images from the trip.

Stewart M said...

Great place - I visited it many moon ago!

Cheers - Stewart M (!)

Craver Vii said...

This was a fun tour and the pics are all so good! The reflection off the waters reminds me of what I saw this weekend... the young girl (13 yrs) next door was outside scouting with her compact digital camera, and she had some nice shots of the standing water from an earlier rainfall. Perhaps we have another photographer emerging here!