Saturday, 15 January 2011


Wales. Click to see -The Land of Myth and Legend - Llangollen where The River Dee - The Steam Railway and Llangollen Canal runs side by side by side. Take a walk along the rivde Dee and see the sights.

Or Take the Steam Train and enjoy the ride following the River Dee.

Then again take a boat ride along the Canal.

Or, if you are feeling fit, take a stroll along the Llangollen Canal, see what beauty is really like.
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Darla said...

Thank you for sharing, I would otherwise never really know what it looks like. I could just walk, and look and touch and sniff all of this!

ju-north said...

These are very enticing - makes me want to get on the road again!

Ingrid said...

Love the second picture, it's just beautiful !

Laura~peach~ said...

you have some of the most beautiful sights to see and things that totally work the imagination... love travles with you:)

Unknown said...

Oh, I love the train. And the boat. And the river. Walking would be lovely! What a fun post, thanks for getting me out of my basement for a few minutes. :o)

Unknown said...

The last time I went to Wales was about 1978. I really must go again

Rick said...

Beautiful photos Stewart - lovely scenes ! Love that train shot !

George said...

I guess I'll have to take multiple trips to Wales, because the train, canal and hike all sound wonderful to me. Your first photo is beautiful and I really like the steam locomotives in your second photo.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Stewart , I would want to take the steam train ride AND the boat ride. What a gorgeous place --and those are fabulous photos.

Design Elements said...

beautiful! greetings from Bulgaria

Cezar and Léia said...

What nice images... They seem to be calling us from a different time...
God bless you!

Sunny said...

I really need to win the lottery so I could take a trip back to Wales for a visit. The scenery is beautiful.
☼ Sunny

joey said...

Wow, some great shots, here ... beautiful reflections!

Staffan H said...

The UK is full of places worth visiting, that's for sure. I've been to Ireland, but never to England so it's about time I plan for a trip.

Marka said...

I vote for a walk along the canal