Sunday, 16 January 2011

Max Clover

Today Little Max came to visit his Great Aunty Julie and Great Uncle Bulgaria (me-Stewart) with his Mum and Dad.
Max is now 46weeks old. Just look at Max as he comes strolling in.

Max made himself at home and showed us his toys that he had with him.

"Smile at Uncle Bulgaria while he takes our photo" said his Mum.

Aunty Julie showing Little Max how to build with bricks as he hands them to her.
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Dar said...

Max is so adorable. Someday, he will not like references as such., but for now, he still can be adorable. With those reddish locks, he easily could fit right amongst my Grandloves. I love how he passes blocks to Mom, and watches her with such trust and admiration. Wonderful entry.

ju-north said...

Children make such lovely pics - pleased you had a good time with them!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm surprised that Uncle Bulgaria didn't make Max cry!!!!! ha ha ha---just kidding..

Max is adorable...I'm sure you all spoiled him.

Ingrid said...

That's what is expecting me in a year ! My first and only little grandson Toby will be 2 months old tomorrow !

ancient one said...

Love your little Max. He is just precious. I know you enjoyed the visit!!

Laura~peach~ said...

he is soooooo cute!

SandyCarlson said...

A beautiful family, and no doubt about it! I wish him a happy, healthy life. He is clearly surrounded by love.

George said...

Max is a cute little boy. I'm sure you got many more pictures of him.

Craver Vii said...

The Lord bless little Max. It is so good to sit down at their level and talk to or play with little ones like that. I'll bet your a fantastic great uncle, too.

Betty Manousos said...

Max is sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

He is one cute little fellow.