Saturday, 1 January 2011

Phun Prize Post 3

Well, we seem to have all 3 Musketeers still alive, so lets set off in search of our Lady being held.

2 days later, we come across a river, shining in the sun, we fill our water bottles, when there's a noise behind, up rides a stranger, and asks who we are,we tell our tale - then he tells us that he's Sir Bluelights and would like to help rescue the Lady being held.

When suddenly there's a buzzing sound, the 4 turn and see a giant Dragon-fly who looks hungry as it stares at our intrepid 4.

The Dragon -fly is looking for food - What do you offer him, just berries, or catch other insects for him.??

Send your emails to me - with your answer and see who escapes.
Plus comment on this post that your email has been sent.
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Jackie said...

What beautiful photographs, Stewart. I love the light on the water...and you certainly zeroed in on the skeeter hawk's eyes!!!
Good to see there are now 4 of us trying to rescue the damsel. We have Eddie Bluelights with us....Now,we won't need an ambulance along the way. He'll help....:))
Lovely photos as usual, Stewart.

imac said...

Well, the Brain-less Teacher has just escaped, now we are waitng to see if Rune The Viking, Craver v11 The Laser man and Sir Eddie Bluelights Gets away?

Eddie Bluelights said...

Glad to be aboard to rescue the maiden (now understood not to be the Brainless Teacher)LOL
Great picture if the dragonfly, formerly a deadly nymph with a large appetite and quite different to the nymph we are trying to rescue LOL.. . . . and hope the lady is not a Damselfly LOL.

I think Bluelights has the answer to your conundrum which is emailed and he hopes he can escape to hunt down those evil fiends who would mistreat a lady.
Good fun this, Stewart.

imac said...

Sir Eddie Bluelights has just escaped the Dragonfly.

joey said...

Good stuff, Stewart! With my crazy life these past few weeks, have so missed catchin' up ... always an inspiration! Happy New Year :)

Lew said...

Exquisite images and a phun quest!

Craver Vii said...

Aah, so good to have another ally on this quest.

Imac, these images are saWEET!!

Rune Eide said...

A good Viking always oversleeps after a good, square meal - or four, though I would prefer a different diet from the Dragonfly.
I hope that the Dragon-fly and its owner, Sir Imac, doesn't do the same.

The food as been served, and hopefully we are now all set to go on further on our quest. Welcome to the fourth member of the missing maiden mission!

Ingrid said...

Yikes, what an ugly beast for the first of January ! Fortunately they look great of pictures !

Unknown said...

Stewart, these are awesome! I love them both - the dragonfly is fascinating!