This weeks choice for Header Challenge is by Dave - ""To Bake or not to Bake""
Please listen to my Bake a Cake song from Youtube
My Header is Master Baker and Miss Flour in their Home Baking shop.
My Posts are showing some of their goods,
Home made cakes for cafes - Tarts for Market stalls - Pies for Pubs
also home bake cream and chocolate cakes to take home
as in my last shot.

Please visit all the other members of our Headbangers club and leave your comments. You will find these intrepid folk on my side bar - just underneath my Header.
Trust you to get a pint somewhere in your post! The cakes look very moreish!
I've been feeling hungry all morning, now I'm REALLY starving. Yummy baked goods!
☼ Sunny
YOU are such a tease...nary a crumb.
The 'clip' was just as cute as the lolly-pop cake. Pork cake and a pint...yes!
Every time you talk about food, I want to pack up and fly in for a visit!
That is my question too 'to bake or not to bake'. Love the post. You have made me hungry now. Have a great day. Now I'm going to get me something to chow down on.
Wow! Love the look of the cake - how deep is that filling?!
Mac: Cool cake song and a fun header.
Those characters look strangely scary to me, like they could come alive and bite you. I bet that cake in the last shot didn't last very long!
You ate the whole thing?
I really like your header of Master Baker and Miss Flour, but your other pictures made me hungry -- except for the last one, which left me sad.
I gained a few pounds feasting on your post. Dangerous, this blogging!
Beautiful bakery treats.
bake YES bake!!!!!!!!! YUMMMMMMMMM
Cute post, Stewart..... Did you save a bite for me?????
One of the pieces of cake in the first photo with the coffee really got my attention... Maybe I'll go back and see what that was again.. looked yummy...
To bake for sure!
Mon Dieu, lots of delicious pies and I'm ready for a cappuccino right now!
*** the header is adorable!
Great header, Stewart, and I love your baking shots - so much, that I gained a few pounds just looking ! ;-)
Quick - tell me - where did you get those huge cakes?! (and how does Julie keep so slim?)
Okay... now i'M HUNGARY!!!(sorry...cap lock key!) What a fun site you have!~ Gota follow along!!
That glass of beer looked tempting :-) (as does the rest)
Otherwise I leave the baking to my wife, but I'm a specialist with fried eggs ...
Thanks a lot! I just gained 5 pounds looking at this. Love the clay pot man..
Your killin' me Smalls! (its a line from a movie but appropriate here.) I do believe I now am inspired to create that lovely raspberry number this summer. But I'll need to practice. What is the center? Ice cream?
So the whole pint with the pork pie is a given, who wouldn't. But Dirt swears by apple pie and beer! And I must admit he has a point, though I do love my hot cup of creamy coffee with my deserts most of the time, I am beginning to succumb more and more to his point, and am even working on a little pairing quest, which beer, which desert.
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