Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Skywatch (25)

Recap = Travelling through time in our Light Box Time Machine.

Here we are traveling through time and different coloured skies.

We feel the Time Machine is now slowing down - as the skies are also cooling in colour

W e begin to slow and coming into a time which we cannot read on the time clock as yet.


NOTE- All these skies are the original colours and have not been altered in any way.

Skywatch and My World goes Hand in Hand.

The Team. = Klaus - Sandy - Ivar - Wren - Fishing Guy - Louise.

A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MY BLOGGING FRIENDS - may it be a Healthy and Happy 2009.


Unknown said...

Another good collection of photos. Here's to a happy photo taking 2009.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what powerful images! Love the first one the most!

esnorway said...

great pics and good color happy new year

EG CameraGirl said...

This is so much fun touring with you in the Light Box Time Machine!
All the best in 2009, Imac!

Pearl Maple said...

Wow, you are finding some colourful skies to be sharing with Sky Watch Friday.

Louise said...

Wonderful time machine! I love the transitions. Happy New Year!

Rune Eide said...

Nice idea, set-up and display.
A Happy New Year to you and your dear ones!

PD If you use JPGs, the camera changes the colours depending on the settings and on what the manufacturer's engineers have decided. That can mean LARGE changes. The only way to avoid that is to use RAW-files, but then you have to do the job yourself.

Leora said...

Powerful, colorful skies. Third one is my favorite. Happy 2009.

Gill - That British Woman said...

what stunning photos....

Gill in Canada

Steffi said...

Great photos,perfect!!Happy SWF and Happy New Year 2009!

Ivar Østtun said...

There is a fire in the sky. Excellent captures, imac. A happy and healthy 2009 to you and your family

vincibene said...

Gorgeous! Thank you very much for your fantastic time travel!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

what a BRILLIANT photos!!! very awesome! Happy New Year!!
thanks for visiting mine.

Anonymous said...

Each of your photos here has a wonderful vibrancy and intensity to them. They can be witnessed over and over again.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Awesome skies and photos, Imac!

A very Happy New Year to you, also.

Anonymous said...

A great series of images.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful color on this pictures seies, thanks for sharing! Happy new year from Norway!

Reader Wil said...

Great series of photos and an interesting change of colours and shapes too. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

A verry good collection of photos.
Happy new year.

Faery said...

Beautiful photos and the colors are awesome.
Happy New Year!

Leedra said...

These skies are very nice. Like them all. Great SWF

Colin Campbell said...

Nice shots. Love those colours. Happy 2009.

Carver said...

Amazing sky shots and it really did look like a time machine. Happy 2009!

Anonymous said...

Great series of photos

Kathie Brown said...

If you are heading for the light, watch out! You might not come back! Wonderful photos and colors! Looks like you could be heading for the center of the earth, until you see that last photo with blue skie ahead!

Gaelyn said...

Oh well, at least the sky is beautiful in this time.

Welcome to 2009!

Larry D said...

Wonderful series of photos, each one is excellent in its own way.

Tootie said...

Very nice IMAC. Happy New Year to you.

Cherie said...

Stunning! Were some of these pictures taken in the air? Fantastic!

Lilli & Nevada said...

My goodness those are extremely good photos.
Happy New Year to you and yours

Ruth said...

Very dramatic images. I particularly like the first.

Rottlady of the Ozarks said...

A great collection of photos! Happy New Year!

Raven said...

Wonderful series of beautiful photos.

Happy New Year!

SandyCarlson said...

The regal beauty of all of these images speaks for itself. We live in heaven. You prove it every week.

Max-e said...

These are really great shots Imac. Hope you have a really great new Year.

Leslie: said...

What can I say but WOW! Simply stunning! Can't wait to see more.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

What beautiful additions to SkyWatch. Thanks so much for sharing them!

Arija said...

WOW, a great skyshow!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: I can hardly wait to see where we end up with these neat skies.

Gerald (SK14) said...

the bottom one reminds me of a photo I took as the sun emerged from its full eclipse in 1999.

Tom said...

As mad as a Hatter... :O)
Happy New Year to You and Julie... I've posted a Sky Watch myself this week...

Anonymous said...

Great shots.
Beautiful sky and story.

Happy 2009

Luiz Ramos

??? said...

Beautiful shots and I'm looking forward to more travels in the LiBoTiMa (almost as good as a Tardis ;) )

Flying Solo said...

Healthy and Happy 2009 to you too Imac!

Fantastic series as always :)

alicesg said...

Very beautiful set of photos for SWF. Love the colours of the sky. Happy New Year to you.

Susie of Arabia said...

What a lovely SkyWatch series - the clouds and colors are spectacular!

chanpheng said...

That's quite a time machine you have there! Hope it lets you out so you can enjoy 2009 in real time!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! rather wild and romantic skies !!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors with this sun!
Makes of 2009 A splendid photoyear.

SaraG said...

Great great photo's!!
Happy New Year to you.

Mike's Travels said...

Brilliant as usual imac! Happy new year to you!

♥ Stines hverdag said...

Beautiful pictures, especially the colors in the first two.
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Great photos, Stewart! They are particularly striking against the black background on your blog.

Tarolino said...

You do lead such an interesting life with all the different worlds that you get to visit. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful skies of these far away worlds with us mear earthlings.
Happy travels in 2009!

Anonymous said...

Excellent shots dear Imac! Happy New Year! :-)

Unknown said...

Lovely collection, imac.

Happy New Year!

Linda Reeder said...

Great collection of sky color!

Fugazi said...

A beautiful collection of photos. Happy New Year.

Sunita Mohan said...

Absolutely amazing photos! Wow!
You're right, it does give one a sci-fiction feel with the clouds roiling and burning up.

chrome3d said...

No giant cats in this part of the journey but it seems as if it was just as essential part of the story as previous ones. I have seldom seen so much power coming from such hazy shots.

kRiZcPEc said...

Hmm..what next? Thanks for sharing

pts said...

excellent capture!happy new year!

syel said...

stunning photos! Happy New Year!

Maria's Space said...

That is am amazing collection of sky photos. Love all of them. Great job.

Marka said...

Incredible colors on these. Great sunset photos!