Monday, 1 September 2008

Skywatch (8)

Skywatch (8) already! My word, it does'nt seem 5 minutes since we all enjoyed and swooned over all your fab piccies of the SKY.

Toms been Barging about on the canal, (hope he didnt fall in)(and if he did, hope Jane took a photo)lol.

and Julie and I are off to St Ives in Cornwall for a fortnight tomorrow (Friday).

So you all will have to excuse me for not visiting many of you great photographers of the SKY this fri - also no visits for the next 2 weeks following.

Therefore, I want to wish ev1 of you skywatchers Happy weekend(for the next 3 skywatches)and HAPPY SNAPPING.

As we are in St Ives, my SKYWATCH pics this week are from St Ives and Padstow.

Come and visit next week, as I intend to automatic post(hopefully)a storm we had recently.

I think you will enjoy the beauty of it..............

My 1st pic is from Padstow - when last year we went to see there festival of the (OBBY-OSS.).

click on (obby- oss) to read all about it.....

The rest of my pics are from St Ives - so please excuse some of my skies being quite dull, but I hope the photos will help to compensate

good luck - god bless you all. - see you soon.


kjpweb said...

Man - that was fast - I started it up one minute ago and already 50 signups. Unbelievable! So are your images! Very beautiful!
Cheers, Klaus

Juliana RW said...

gorgeous shots. The 4th is my fav

I hope have time to stop at my SWF post : in here and here Thanks

Petunia said...

Lovely, Imac:)

Petunia's SWF post

Texas Travelers said...

Great series.
Come visit,

Rune Eide said...

Just you take life easy and take many photos (as I have told you before, that was our goal for this year's holiday - but had to be postponed).

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Love them all specially the 4th one too:)

bobbie said...

The boats in the harbor are wonderful, and I really love the last two with their small humans wondering at the beauty of the sky.

EG CameraGirl said...

Another fabulous collection of beautiful photos, imac. Happy Sky Watch Friday!

Dewdrop said...

Safe travels. Thanks for visiting despite your plans. You will be missed.

Love the last one with the crepuscular rays!!! Heavenly.

Reader Wil said...

I like all your photos, but the St. Ives one is my favourite for I have been there several times. It's so beautiful. Long ago we even camped there.

Nova said...

it is worth it that you have posted a marvelous photo. as it is really lovely to see it with the sky…

check out mine here:HERE

Dina said...

So many happy different colors in all the scenes. Just beautiful!
Have a great time in St. Ives and remember to put down the camera once in a while. ;)

Anonymous said...

love your series of pictures.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Wonderful photos from your trip, really enjoyable.

Merisi said...

One image is more beautiful than the last one!

Enjoy your vacations,
M. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow you really have quite a series of fabulous sky shots for us! Just beautiful...

Rose said...

I love that second one from the bottom! Hope you guys have a good time at St. Ives!

Carver said...

Wonderful sequence of shots. Makes me want to go sailing.

Photo Cache said...

Gorgeous shots indeed.

Norm said...

all your photos are fabulous, very beautiful..

Cath said...

I love the bottom two the best.
Been to ST. Ives - a beautiful little "olde" town. A really good place, just several hours drive to GET there!!!

You'll be missed. Hope you have a great time.

Louise said...

All beautiful, but the beach with the sunset is idyllic. Love it. Happy Vacation!

Jane Hards Photography said...

The photos doing all the talking. No favs, but if pushed something about the last one. Mystical.

Pernille said...

Wonderful shots! The 4th is just amazing:)

Brad Myers said...

Good set of photos as always for sky watch.

Anonymous said...

These look like the postcards we send home from our favorite vacations. Very well done.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Your lovely photos reminded me of the old puzzle "As I was going to St. Ives." It's beautiful there.

Wishing you a happy holiday and lots of beautiful photos. See you when you return.

Kelly said...

Fabulous photos as usual!!! Everytime I think I've seen the best, then you post another one! Looks like you had a great time and you sure made my day a happy one looking at your pictures!!

bcmomtoo said...

These are beautiful. I especially love that sunset beach one with the two people walking. Wow! I want to be there.

Zeee said...

I love them! My fave though is the last shot! :)

Skywatch Friday: Universal Sky

zakscloset said...

mmmmm, another vacation for you!?!?!? have a nice time! happy friday!!!

Lilli & Nevada said...

wow those are great. I hope that you have a great vacation looking forward to your photos to come

Gemma Wiseman said...

Wonderful pics! A feast for the senses!

Nancy said...

Wow! Some beautiful skies. I like them all. Too hard to choose a favorite.

 gmirage said...

Fourth photo is very dramatic with two people walking....but of course, each is beautiful in each own way...would not expect less from you! Happy skywatching!

Lew said...

Great pics, as always! Enjoy your skies and beach and sunsets!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful series of SWF photos! I love the boats in the harbor and the sunset is stunning. Enjoy your trip!

naturglede/Randi Lind said...

Very good photoes this week. I love them all.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

A new great series of marvelous shots!
That's IMAC!
Always the better!


MumbaiiteAnu said...

I like all the Skywatch pictures, especially the one with the setting sun.

Mine is HERE

Unknown said...

Wonderful series!

Anonymous said...

an excellent series. wonderful captures all

Ingrid said...

Very nice selection of beautiful skies !

SandyCarlson said...

Enjoy your time away. Can't believe the time has flown as it has.

Your photos are always amazing, Imac. Thanks for showing me new ways of seeing the heavens.

gaz said...

great shots - love the sunset... said...

thanks for sharing that perfect sunset. have a a great trip!

Craver Vii said...

The photo with the two people on the beach looks like it should be turned into a poster. Magnificent!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Have a great time and enjoy your self.
You have some awsome pictures.

If you get the time stop by and the coffee is always on.

CrazyCow said...

Some amazing pics. You live in a beautiful place.

vincibene said...

Very beautiful photos! Especially the last two.

Daryl said...

Enjoy your holiday and travel safely!


Kostas said...

Amazing landscapes with marvellous colours but also splendid colours!
Great shots.

Anonymous said...

These are lovely. I've always watched the sky but it's so much more fun now, taking shots and looking at great ones like these.

PJ said...

I think I like your corner of the sky, these are wonderful, especially your banner.

DeniseinVA said...

Wow, another set of awesome SkyWatch Photos. Thoroughly enjoyed them. I remember St. Ives so well. Nice memories.

dot said...

Fantastic pictures! My favorite is the first one.
Hope you enjoy your journey.

Sharon said...

Enjoy your trip! Love the pic with the sailboats, just beautiful!

Jim said...

Hey IMac, Happy SkyWatching. And have a nice visit there in St Ives.
These are some very pretty photos, I like the first the best.
Thank you for looking at my Sky-FordCar-Watch post, I appreciate that. :-)

Dragonstar said...

Beautiful shots Imac, as ever. Last week's was stunning, too.

Enjoy your time away.

becky aka theRAV said...

Such wonderful Sky Watch photos!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your holiday. Hopefully you won't have too much rain for the next two weeks, otherwise you'll just have to sit in a cafe and have lots of cream teas, fish & chips, and all the other seaside delights.

Best wishes to you both.

Barbara said...

I love St Ives, enjoy your holiday, I will look forward to seeing the photos.

Paul said...

absolutley amazing pics! Picture postcards!

Catherine said...

Very gorgeous captures~as always Imac! ENJOY your weekend!

Joyce's Journey said...

Your skies are not dull at all. These are beautiful shots. I loved each one of them. Enjoy your time away. We will all be here when you get back - unless Ike and Josephine have other plans:)

Hilda said...

Sigh, you just made me miss the beach…

Thank you for the visit! :)

mrsnesbitt said...

Holiday skies, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Great shots.

lv2scpbk said...

My favorite is the boat picture but they are all nice. I love the cloud photo from yesterday with the dark clouds.

Katney said...

I think the last two are my favorites.

ANNA-LYS said...

All pics doesn't show due to my laptop problem!

Wonder if You are better, dear friend

(( hug ))

Columbo said...

Thanks for the great photos, I love your postings, thanks for your part in SWF.

Markus Latva-aho said...

I just get such a travel bug when looking at all these great sky watch photos. Especially the exotic houses, flora and fauna.

Happy trip for you too!

Kichu $ Chinnu | à´•ിà´š്à´šു $ à´šിà´¨്à´¨ു said...

awesome snaps!! simply loved the last two fotos.. and all the snaps in the previous post are amazing

Maria said...

Great shots, beautiful landscape!

Woody said...

Great Shots...

Anonymous said...

Great shots!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like sky with water. I think that's the way it's supposed to be. Fantastic shots!

Arija said...

Happy holidays, hope you have a great time.
I particularly like the 3rd. shot, the ho humm, just another sunset lifted by the two little figures in the foreground. Really nice.

Lapa37 said...

Great shots I love the last one it is beautiful.

Cath said...

Hey where are you friend? :0)

Anonymous said...

Imac is friend of Tom...!!!!
Beautiful shot.

Leedra said...

You have some great photographs. Enjoy your trip.

Anne-Berit said...

Your photos are great as always.

DigitalShutterMania said...

Imac, wonderful sky watch : )

Zeee said...

Wow! Amazing! I especially love the last shot!

Check out my sky HERE

Pearl Maple said...

Beautiful selection of images for sky watch friday, thanks for sharing your delightful views of the horizon to add to the party.

Great photo in your blog banner/header too.

Alan Pulley said...

Wonderful shots!

Anonymous said...

awesome series of shots! Happy Weekend!

Country Girl said...

Breathtaking as always, imac! Love your sky photos.

Mary said...

Beautiful shots! Enjoy your vacation. :)

Anonymous said...

What a super series. Great to see.

D Herrod said...

Great set. Have a good weekend.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Now this was a day at the beach! Love the photos, from the colorful flags of the boats to the relaxing evening shots. Beautiful!

Scotty Graham said...

Hope you are having a great vacation, imac!! From your photos, looks like a beautiful spot...



Lara said...

beautiful photos! enjoy your time, and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos here! Places that I would rather be!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Have a good time. Great shots espcially the 4th one is so mysterious

Gretchen said...

Gorgeous. What beach is it? We spent a few days last month at Virginia Beach and I truly miss it already.

Daryl said...

Wow .. what an amazing variety of sky ... hope you and Jane are having a lovely holiday ..


CloudStalker said...

Fantastic, I love the last two! I am a sucker for a great sunset!

Neva said...


chrome3d said...

Really good stuff. Automatic post didn´t work then?

Stacey Olson said...

wow, look at all those comments..just wanted to say thank you for all you do for skywatch, and have a wonderful vacation.. beautiful photos as always.

i beati said...

The first picture just teeming with color and energy sandy

ANNA-LYS said...

I don't want to be selfish, but I am!

I miss YOU!!!

ANNA-LYS said...

I have noticed that blogging can be pretty dull, without Your presence online. But, as I am not an egoist, I do hope You have a lovely offline time, out there :-)

(( hug ))