Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Skywatch (7)

Blessings to our creator of Skywatch Friday DOT.
Skywatch weekly is now in its 7th week and the Team(Tom-Sandy-Klaus-imac) would like to thank ev1 who participates in Skywatch in making it a success.

I would like to thank 1 and all Skywatchers for their kind regards and wishes of recovery on my illness of Food Poisoning, at the moment I'm still off work untill I get the all clear, but I'm feeling better in myself. MANY THANKS FOLKS.

Next weeks Skywatch of mine will be posted BUT I wont have time to visit, also for the 2 weeks following - due to Hollidays to Cornwall.

My Skywatch this week is "JUST - SKY".
Enjoy your selves and HAPPY SKYWATCHING WEEKEND.

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This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Beautiful Sky photos, you made some really nice captures on your break.

Lew said...

Awesome photos Mac, especially the first one! Glad you are better and hope full recover is real soon.

Louise said...

Just sky is fabulous. I LOVE the first picture and the red sunset. Great post.

Petunia said...



Flying Solo said...

Your JUST SKY is great! You are an artist!
Get better and good hollydays!

Happy sky watch!

Texas Travelers said...

Those are great photos.
I would be proud of any one of those.
Well done on the series.

Nice "Sky Watch" today.
Come visit, The Fire Storm.
Troy and Martha

Anonymous said...

Great shots and beautiful clouds.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hello IMAC,
A very pretty serie of sky's, veru=y realistic and also a dream so beautiful! Happy SWF:)

Today My SKYWATCH is 6different shots from the WATER & SKY-reflections, seen from our BOAT in NAARDEN/Holland, be WELCOME!
JoAnn's-D-Eyes / Holland

Dewdrop said...

Great sky shots, glad you're doing better and hope you get clearance soon!

That first shot is so dramatic!!! Wow!

I am the sky watch Friday weather "woman". ;O)

Anonymous said...

Remarkable set of shots. Fantastic. Hope your recovery will continue on course.

Anonymous said...

I love them all! WOW! Breathtaking shots!Drop by if you got a chance, HERE.

Anonymous said...

I love that first shot!

Ivar Østtun said...

Stunning. The first one is dramatic. I think of Lord of the Rings when I see it :-)

Berit T said...


Angie said...

Hi Imac,
I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better.Superb photos from you as always

Brad Myers said...

Maybe the best I have seen today, really good photos

Dewdrop said...

You're forgiven... tee hee.

Pretty Life Online said...

Wow! Perfect shots for Skywatch! Great Job! Mine's up too hope you can drop by.... Happy weekend!

Dogwood Daze said...

The first shot drew a gasp from me! It's very dramatic. It appears the clouds are exploding upwards! The third is simply stunning. Love the Red!

Rose said...

Imac, I am so sorry I did not know you had been sick...when did you get the food poisoning?

Just have to say that these photos are awesome...did you alter that first one in any way?

Pat - Arkansas said...

Wow! For "just sky" you've put up some gorgeous photos, Imac!

Glad to hear you're improving, and I hope the visit to Cornwall will be the total cure for what ails you.

Anonymous said...

Great photos. Beautiful colors.

Carletta said...

Wow! Your first one looks 3-D it is full of depth.
Great shots all.
Have a wonderful holiday!

Photo Cache said...

Wonderful collections of cloudscape. Fantastic. The first is my favorite.

Arija said...

Great photos, especially the super dramatic first. Get well and stay well. God bless.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Absolutely, fantastic colours; such great SW pictures. Have a nice holiday; food poisoning is a very nasty thing, I wish you a good recovery and thank you for SWF.

Anonymous said...

I've seen only a few so far, but that top one has got to be one of the week's best!

Maria said...

Great skies, awesome photos! Happy SWF!

me ann my camera said...

There is amazing drama and beauty in your fantastic photos!! These are wonderful pictues, full of layers of colour and contrast.

Also, get well soon!

Anonymous said...

These are just fantastic! The colours are wonderful!

Unknown said...

Those are all beautiful photos, imac!

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful sky shots, imac. Thank you for your encouraging words at Paintbox Pictures! You're very kind!

Cátia said...

wonderful sky!great pictures

Cath said...

Oh wow imac - love love love that first one (above your writing). The others are awesome too, but the first is my fave.

Second - glad you're on the mend.
Third - Klaus? I didn't know about Klaus! Sorry Klaus wherever you are! - I need to find a link for him to give him credit in my post each week alongside you 3! I thought it was just you three.... *groan*
(Can't keep up! lol)

D Herrod said...

Wow! The clouds in the 1st one is amazing.

Kelly said...

These are absolutely stunning photos as usual! I am glad you are feeling better and we will definitely miss your gorgeous photos. I'll just pull up your blog and look at these and others in your honor! Continue to get better!!!You will definitely be missed!

Jane Hards Photography said...

That is not just sky, that is a astonishing collection. Be better soon, so we can enjoy much more of these.

Pernille said...

Fantastic shots. I love them all, but nr 3 is just AMAZING!

Glad that you are feeling better:)

Have a nice Sky watch:)

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling Much better by now! Your pictures are gorgeous, as usual!!! Happy holiday!

Maria said...

Your photos of "JUST SKY" are amazing.
I hope you recover fast.
Have a great weekend.

Rambling Woods said...

Food poisoning? Oh you poor fellow, that is terrible as I know. I'm happy that you are recovering and that there won't be any lingering side effects. Enjoyed the photo too.

Jeanne said...

Oh my. Speechless.

Anonymous said...

Stunning and beautiful sky photos. That first one is truly awesome!
Glad you're feeling better.

Kathie Brown said...

That first photo of those inky clouds is stunning. So sorry you were ill. I'm glad you survived. Please continue to get well and enjoy your holiday. (and please stay away from the poisoned food!)

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful shots, Imac. Just love 'em. They make me feel as though I have flown into the clouds!

Mary said...

Wow, so beautiful! Feel better soon. :)

Anonymous said...

These are great, imac. The first one really shows the depth and texture of the sky.

Linda said...

these pictures are just stunning.

HFD60 said...

Imac, I love that first image, but all are great...

PJ said...

I love all sky-graphs but that first one just knocked my socks off. Wow!
I do hope you're feeling well soon.

Cathy said...

They are a wonderful photos. I love the first one. So much dimention, it looks 3D.

Thank you for visiting me/mine. Glad you are feeling better.

Pietro Brosio said...

Splendid views. And the one with the bird flying is absolutely fantastic! A great Sky Watch.

Unknown said...

Like the start to an epic biblical movie the first one!!

Great skies.

Great skywatch.

Bodge's Bulletin

Lilli & Nevada said...

.So sorry to hear about your illness. I have had food poisoning and its definitly no fun.. So glad that your feeling better
beautiful photos

Rune Eide said...

Number three wae just great!

Maria Verivaki said...

excellent shots - you've made up for missing out last week!

Marina said...

The first photo is awesome!!! It's like Jupiter (from the greek mythology) is going to appear!:)

Gemma Wiseman said...

These skies are almost beyond belief! The interplay of darkness and light (plus bulbous cloud shapes) is simply brilliant! Going back for another peek!

Anonymous said...

I'm not the religious kind, but for want of a better way of expressing it? It looks like you took that first shot whilst you were sitting in the chair of the almighty. Fantastic! Great SWF! Thanks for stopping by Photonic Harmony, all the best, Andy.

magiceye said...

gorgeous pictures!

Neal said...

Mac, all of those are absolutely beautiful. The sky looks angry in the first picture.

Anne-Berit said...

Wonderful Sky Watch-photos.Have a nice weekend!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Always a great captures!

Always fantastic photos!

Wordless one more time!

Have a nice weekend!


Minkydo said...

Beautiful! Love your photos.

Glad you are on the mend.

gaz said...

glad to hear you're on the mend chief.
that top shot is amazing - it doesn't look real...

Tom said...

Excellent posting Imac...
Great pictures and of course great news... I hope the weeks away see you making a full recovery.


TwD said...

Have your rest, but I just wanted to say, that the 1st picture remainds me some medieval paintings...oh,great photos all.

Merisi said...

Such an interesting medley of "Just Sky" images!

Take good care of yourself,
and may there be only innocuous food on your plate!

Anonymous said...

wow that is very nice shot my friend very nice.

Fish Whisperer said...

Really beautiful photos. I hope you get well aoon.

Gerald (SK14) said...

have a great time in Cornwall

Anonymous said...

Imac, gorgeous shots of the sky you've got for us today :)

Glad to hear you'll feeling better from your case of food poisoning.
Do enjoy ur vacation!!! :)

KOSTAS said...

Amazing photographs, with marvellous colours the skies but also the clouds!
Have one good weekend!

JunieRose2005 said...

Fantastic sky shots - all!!


alicesg said...

Very lovely sets of photos for SWF. I especially like the second last photo where the bird fly in the sky during sunset. Beautiful.

Ingrid said...

Gorgeous sky pictures !! Hope you will get back your complete health soon !

maryt/theteach said...

Extraordinary shots, imac! The detail is wonderful! See you at Paintbox Pix! Thanks for hosting SWF for all of us! :)

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" is pleased to read that you are feeling better. As always, you've posted marvelous images for Sky Watch. "Louis" hopes you have a pleasant trip to Cornwall!

Livio Bonino said...

How many fantasti sky watch you have!

Positive Images Surround Us said...

Wow, those are incredible pictures!!

kj said...

your photos are fantastic. the header shot is so beautiful i don't dare put adjectives to it.

i'm glad i stopped by, and thanks for visiting me.

CloudStalker said...

Beautiful photo's. The top one is just amazing!!

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful photographer. Thanks for a lovely experience. I can hardly choose a favorite. Very beautiful. Hope you are all well soon.

 gmirage said...

Wow and WOW to each of your photos! I especially like the first one....*sigh* just looking at those makes me stare!

Happy skywatching!

Daryl said...

First I hope you are feeling better ..

Those are just extraordinary shots ...


Powell River Books said...

Thank you for visiting my SWF post and your help with the site. Your first sky shot is absolutely amazing. - Margy

Anonymous said...

I love all your photos, all of the time! Good to hear you are feeling better now. Have a nice vacation.

Anonymous said...

B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l photos!

Mary said...

All wonderful photos! Wow!

Egghead said...

These take my breath away. Wow! I am glad you are feeling better.

DeniseinVA said...

Incredible photos Imac. Just beautiful. I was sorry to hear you had had food poisoning. Have had it myself (years ago) and remember how awful it was. Glad to hear you are feeling a whole lot better.

Anonymous said...

I'm completely blown away by these photos. Awwwww-sum!!! The first one takes the cake. Part of it looks like a shadow mirror image and the bottom part almost looks like a water reflection.

Sorry to hear you're sick but glad you're feeling better. :-)

Anonymous said...

Like everybody else, I think the first one is very dramatic. The red sunsets are so surreal.
Incredible SWF photos, Mac! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Enjoy your holidays in Cornwall!

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Great photos and beautiful skies.

Jan said...

These are all great, but the first one capitvates me.

chrome3d said...

Thanks for your selection of brilliant skies. The first one was the best for me. Get better soon!

Max-e said...

You have an amazing series of pictures this week. Really enjoyed them. Hope you recover fully soon

kRiZcPEc said...

awesome sky watch! thanks for sharing

Amila Salgado said...

Wow! Absolutely gorgeous pictures!
Have a great weekend!

airplane5312 said...

Whoa, these are fantastic photos!

Celeste said...

Beautiful skywatch pics, so peaceful and perfect. Thank you.
Hope you make a speedy recovery. Enjoy Cornwall, please post pictures when you return as that is were my parents live and I miss it.

lv2scpbk said...

Love that first photo with all the dramatic clouds.

Celeste said...

Say hello to St Ives for me, I lived there for several years! Be sure to walk out to the chapel on 'the island' and gaze out to sea. It is a lovely spot and you can taste the salt in the air.

Celeste said...

Thanks for the offer of a single malt - I am a huge fan of Laphroig. Unfortunately I won't be in Cornwall until December.

Anne said...

Help!! Arne is nude in my hall!!!painting!!!

I do need some of his friends to help me.... å....Ååå...

Unknown said...

Glad you're feeling better Mac. Didn't know it had been going on this long. What had you eaten, to be this poorly?

Enjoy your holiday. Think it has been the longest gap you've had between holidays. At least it'll give me chance to catch you up on Paintbox!

Great sky photos by the way.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Oh my what dramatic skies - just awesome!

rhoen said...

wow! just look at the drama. awesome entry again, iMac!

Kay said...

OK! That's it! You win the prize for the best SWF photos of all time. Good gracious! They blew my socks away.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and saying such kind words. I think that SWF is one of the best inventions to make people all around the world take an interest in each other. And especially in what the others SEE!
I enjoyed your pictures very much.
Greetings from the Netherlands!

Unknown said...

Splendid series

Mike's Travels said...

Love them all imac! Hope you come back with some good snaps! Have a good rest.

Torsdag 1952 said...

One more beautiful perfect SWF, series with differnt expression and wonderful colors.
I start my vacation, see you next month.
Hallo from Germany Hartmut

i beati said...

lousy poisoning bleh great skies though sandy

ANNA-LYS said...

What have You been eating?

Hope You get better soooon, dear!!!

Neva said...

Very beautiful, your sky... and I love your header !

DeeMom said...

YIKES Food poisoning, You and Julie must REST

Super pictures

Sydney said...

my goodness, these all are amazing, but the first one on this post looks like something painted on the ceiling of the sistine chapel!

sonia a. mascaro said...

You always have splendorous photos for Sky Watch Friday! Well done!

kRiZcPEc said...

the first one is so interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Dick said...

I'm a little late commenting, these pictures are so wonderful. Have a great holiday.

Shutterspy said...

The one with the bird is superb :)