Sunday, 1 June 2008

Camera Critters.

Camera Critters. If you want to participate - visit Misty Dawn's place.

This week I'm showing off my Bison, (lol) Who has his big beady eye on you.
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Susan Demeter said...

Awwww what a beautiful shot, and yep he/she appears to be eyeing the camera. Happy CC and thanks so much for stopping by! :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Imac: Oh my, what a big eye you have Mister Bison. Very nicely done.

AppleDebbie said...

It's difficult to imagine the enormity of a bison until you're up close and personal to one. Great photo!

david mcmahon said...

That really is a beady eye!! I'd love to see a close crop of it ....

And I enjoyed your Photo Hunt 'toon too!

Misty DawnS said...

WHOA! That is intense! Remind me not to tick him off - I think his head is as big as I am! hehe.

I signed you in on the Linky on the Camera-Critters blog ( Would you like to be added to the Camera-Critters blogroll? Your photos are always such a treat, my friend - I thank you for participating in CC.

ratmammy said...

Wow! he's huge!!

i beati said...

First Bison on Critters

i beati said...

First Bison on Critters

Michele said...

This is a great photo... big and wooly like a teddy bear!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

photowannabe said...

Wow...terrific close-up. He really does have a beedy eye. I don't think I want to play with him.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Imac ~ what an awesome photo. Where were you when you took this?

Mom Knows Everything said...

Wow! How close did you get to it to take that photo?

Carletta said...

What a handsome fellow!
Well done!

chrome3d said...

A big mountain of dark wool. Thanks, I´ve never seen one so close!

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful bison head ! didn't he charge on your camera ? lol !

Anonymous said...

*wow* Great picture!

YesBut said...

Are you sure its a bison, and not Siting Bull in disguise?

Anonymous said...

I got a beady eye on you iMac over at my birds blog. Look at the second picture of the youngster. That will haunt you for weeks. LOL

As far as the buffalo goes. I love them. I don't like what our government did to 6 million of them.

Livio Bonino said...

I would like to meet a similar bison

threesidesofcrazy said...

Awesome photo!!

Anonymous said...

wow, that is great, Imac! Two things this week in my life about bison (who'd a thunk it?): they used to have long forward facing horns. But after being hunted by the First Americans, they shortened so that they could herd without hurting each other, so that they could protect each other from hunting. Also: my daughter got buffalo hamburgers this week. I still can't bring myself to try them, tho!

Kim said...

Aren't they amazing creatures?

Rune Eide said...

Not one to trifle with, I suspect!

maryt/theteach said...

Hey imac, where did you find that bison? You saw my bison right? But you got soooo close up! :D

Dianne said...


I have the urge to brush him. Think he'd let me? LOL

amazing photo

storyteller said...

Very cool close up of this bison!!! Looks like you’re right there ;--)
I’ve shared at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

This is a great shot dear Imac! :-)

Unknown said...

Good shot. Reminds me of the old joke about trying to tell the difference between a buffalo & a bison. The answer of course is, have you ever tried to wash your hands in a buffalo!

Dirty Fingernails said...

Bison is what you call it, we call it Buffalo. Such interesting animals aren't they?

Dick said...

Wow, fantastic photo

nonizamboni said...

Excellent capture! I love these creatures.
Happy week.