Friday, 30 May 2008

Photo Hunt.

Photo Hunt by ( pop over to see who's participating.

P.H. this week is = Self or part of.

My Photo Hunt photo is = A Cartoon Caricature Painting of me (by Terry Shelbourne).

Now to explain the photo,
lady in chair = Im a Hospital Porter.
Poems = Ive written a few poems and also had some printed.
Artist = My Beloved Wife -Julie
Camera = Der I try an take a few snaps.
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Kay said...

Terrific caricature. I had to smile when I looked at it. I hope you have it framed and hanging in a special place.

Colin Campbell said...

Fantastic. We had these done of our kids last year. Great memories.

ancient one said...

That's an idea. I smiled too!

Melli said...

That is one of the best caricatures I've ever seen! What a great idea for today!

Write From Karen said...

WOW! What a creative self portrait!! Lovelovelove this!

Write From Karen

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love these sort of artist renderings! She did a wonderful job. Great take on this week's theme.

Ingrid said...

Wow that's quite a nice caricature ! I hope it has a special place on the wall somewhere in your home !

Anonymous said...

Oh wow that's a really neat picture!!! Very creative for this week's PH!

I did PH today, too. :)

Liza said...

so awesome! I have always wanted someone to do a caricature of me but i'm afraid they'll point out my big ol' nose!

mine's up :)

Anonymous said...

I just love caricatures! They're fun.

Unknown said...

what a talent your wife has... at first it gave me a chuckle and then i just sat back in appreciation of the artistry of it all....

it's beautiful!

DeeMom said...

Clever and well executed

Claudia said...

Very clever and I enjoy your other photos too.

Katney said...

Aha! Another very creative way of avoiding posting a photo of oneself. I love it. (Stop by and see how I did it.)

i beati said...

I'd love one of these- very special sandy

YesBut said...

What a great cartoon - I bet you are very proud of it (justifiably).

Unknown said...

Humorous picture. Gail & I had one done a couple of years ago. It's quite good, but we haven't framed it yet.