Saturday, 17 December 2011

Tenerife Harbour - Thru the ages

 Tenerife Harbour has and is undergoing a transformation.

 Now - 2011
This is how the front will look like in 2012 - near completion.


Unknown said...

It's always good to look at old photos, but somehow sad too, as you can compare then and now, and it's not always for the better.

ancient one said...

I liked to see the history of this harbour.

Ingrid said...

Your pictures bring back so many memories ! We used to have a time sharing in Tenerife at Las Americas in the 90th. Nothing has changed except there are more and more high buildings, it was so beautiful when they weren't there. We stopped going to Tenerife in 2002, it just got too crowded and too touristic. There were lots of British people there and we are still in contact with two. They don't go back neither.

Filip Demuinck said...

Amazing how time changes cities.
