Friday, 4 November 2011

Stormy Evening

 Photographed a couple of weeks ago
Needless to say - we had a bit of a storm.


Darla said...

Very dramatic captures here!

Rune Eide said...

"Stormy Weather" would have been appropriate here :-) Nice catch!

PS We had 16 degrees C yesterday at 10PM :-)

Lanny said...

I love stormy weather. It is the season for it for sure. We had an early storm just after we got back from the fair, it was a bit early for a autumn storm here, then this last week, the afternoon after we had our coldest night, it got super warm, tank top wearing warm (okay I was workin' pretty hard at the time) and then the wind came, wild crazy, tarp sailin' wind. Followed by wheelbarrow filling rain. So let the storm season begin! Woohoo!

Ingrid said...

From here (Red Sea) this sky looks so unreal and beautiful. We have boring blue sky every day and stars at night with a moon which doesn't stand but lays down ! As a little English boy said : "Mom look the moon is sleeping"

George said...

I hope you didn't have any damage from that storm. I like your photos -- the cloud details are wonderful.

FilipBlog said...

The first picture seems to come directly out of a movie. Great.


Cezar and Léia said...

Frightening and mesmerizing...
God bless you!

Unknown said...

It was a dark and stormy night when Stewart when out with his camera, and managed to take some photos without getting wet!

ancient one said...

Great Shots. I don't go outside when storms are coming up. It has rained here most of the day.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great pictures, Stewart.... I love seeing stormy pictures --and in the evening, they are even better!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the drama and beauty in these photos.

Rick said...

Now those ARE nasty looking skies ! Hopefully they didn't produce anything too unpleasant.