Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Flip a coin

Not sure why folk toss their money here?
Maybe its some kind of a wishing pole.
Wonder if anyone will attempt to try and get the cash - for a night out on the town?.

This is on Southwold Pier.


Unknown said...

Doesn't look a bad haul of shrapnel. Maybe enough to get you a pint or two

Jackie said...

Looks like fun....people probably do it to see if they can hit the top of the pole without their coin(s) falling into the water. Their outcome: satisfaction. :)))

SandyCarlson said...

I would consume my wish with wishing my coin would land on the pole.

Lew said...

Bet there is a lot more loose change under water!

Ingrid said...

Strange, usually people throw money in fountains. Someone has to take the coins off from time to time. Sounds good on a business card "coin collector" !

Dave Cawkwell said...

how far is the pole? looks a good throw with a small target area. Did you have a go?

Betty Manousos said...

very creative picture!