Tuesday, 7 December 2010

I'm Back

Yup, I'm back, and so is my Puter.
Its a wheal dream to work now, hey, it only take 50 secs to load and get on line, never had it so good.
Thanks for all your good wishes my friends and to DW for doing a post for our Headbangers club, now its time to move over Darling and and thanks for holding the fort.lol.

Gee, have I missed blogging and visiting you all.
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Rune Eide said...

Welcome back - and I hope your "toy" stays whole for a while :-)

Anonymous said...

This is Pearl Harbor day here in America. Lots of younger people don't know what we are talking about. Anyway, hope you are back for a while Thanks for stopping in and taking a look at Lucky, my three-legged dog.

Betty Manousos said...

Glad you're back! :)
You've been missed.
I'm back too.

Anonymous said...

Wikileak reported that your computer was OK and in fact you have been galavanting in the sunshine. :)

Unknown said...

Ha! I'm wheal glad you're back! :-D

DeniseinVA said...

Welcome back my friend. Sure did miss you and bless your DW for helping out.

Unknown said...

Welcome back to Cyberspace. We've missed you too. I guess that the street sign is from Cornwall, rather than Grantham.

Jackie said...

Yea!!!! Imac's baaaaaak!!! What a treat for all of us. I have missed you....and how happy I am to know that you have a super duper computer....lightning speed!!!! Wonderful.
Smiles..... :))))))))

Sunny said...

Welcome Back! It's nice to see your smiling face :)
☼ Sunny

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Mac.

joey said...

Hello, yippee, and happy creative posting :)

Lanny said...

Hip hip hooray!

George said...

It's great to have you back. I'm glad your 'puter is working well.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Welcome back, Stewart.... I would feel like I lost my best friend if something happened to my computer. I'm sure you felt the same way!!!!! Glad you are all fixed now...

Dar said...

Welcome back my friend. I too, have had the PC blues being without a monitor for the past few months. Once in awhile I got to use my son's laptop...still don't have all working but soon, real soon. I really miss having the photo ops.
Thanks for stopping

ancient one said...

I laughed at yesbuts comment...welcome back!

Ingrid said...

Welcome back ! I just wanted to put a "missing" poster on all walls !

Rick said...

Good to see you're back for wheal mac - hopefully your puter has fully recovered and has gained a degree of immunity !

Merisi, Vienna said...

Welcome back! :-)

bowledover said...

Wonderful splash of colour to open your page with, like the pun street sign too.
Welcome back and you have been missed.
We are all very attached to our computers, glad you are up and running again.

Darla said...

Geez, now you will be blogging at the speed of light!

Craver Vii said...

Your DW is super! You are a lucky man.

Lew said...

When it snows - take snow pictures! Then get the shovel and go to work. Glad your computer gremlins have been eradicated. It's maddening when these darn things don't work right.