To see the Cornish Piskies,
All holding hands, eyes shut tight, beliving in the Piskies(so we dont drown)
as we sink into the night pool -----
Open your eyes NOW -The Piskies Village, can you see them all waving to you all?

NO of course you cant see them - my friends, thats because this is a photo, and
Cornish Piskies cannot be seen in a photograph.
But I can asure you they were there in their little village and friendly too.
To see the Cornish Piskies, you have to go to Cornwall and find a village yourself to see them.
Hahaha, you are not only a great photographer - you are also a good story teller. :-)
Pesky piskies not appearing in pictures!
I can see them ! because now I looked it up in Wikipedia, lol ! I didn't know what it was and here is what I found : Pixies (also Pixy, Pixi, Piskies and Pigsies as they are sometimes known in Cornwall) are mythical creatures of folklore, considered to be particularly concentrated in the areas around Devon and Cornwall, suggesting some Celtic origin for the belief and name.
Now I am less afraid and feel more intelligent!
you surely have my curiousity...and indeed wanting to see them:)
Mac: I thought I saw one flash through. Perhaps he was a little slow and did't see you take the photo. Really enjoyed the tale.
Great shots, Imac.
Have a nice week :)
But wait. I think I DO see something! ;-)
Love that first shot!
I'll bear that in mind ;-)
Nice piece of fantasy!
Kitty's comment made me laugh...:))
Kitty...Perhaps the pesky piskies performed precisely and pranced prettily away.
Imac...good photos...and a fun time was had ...especially the Piskies. I believe!
I look forward to traveling the world one day...and I shall. Thank you for the photos that take me there until I do.
Hugs and smiles from Jackie
What a swizz!
Not even a made up picture. I was expecting you to be dressed up like one. You've got the grey beard, mischievous ways, but alas not the mouselike size.
you had me going for sure.... But now you have my curiosty up as to what they are
What do you mean, you can't see them. They are there, clear as day! With their fox-glove caps and fancy jerkins and hose, they look very fancy - is the village preparing for a faery wedding?
Oh now, that was a neat and unexpected twist!
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