Saturday 28 February 2009

Pickering Beck.


Jinksy said...

I like the way these two pics alter the temperature from cold to warm, simply becuase of the lighting.

imac said...

Both shots taken at the same time, only the 1st shot straight into the sun and the 2nd with the sun behind me.

Susan English Mason said...

Was it the first hour of the day or the last hour of the day because the colors are so vivid especially in the second one. I'm curious what time of day. I'll have to remember to put the sun behind me and then maybe I'll get better colors.

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello! Great pictures!Your blog is always wonderful!It is so nice to see the pictures and read about your histories, for instance the last post about dragons!:-)
God bless you!

chrome3d said...

It must be nice to live in a house like that by a canal.

George said...

Both of these pictures are absolutely wonderful. It's such a peaceful scene.