Walking home from work, it was stormy but no rain.
All of a sudden there was this light in the sky, I watched as it moved and came closer, I reached for my camera and when I looked up I saw this, shaking and trembling I took a few shots, then whooosh and nothing - it was all clear.
Not really knowing what I had until I downloaded onto the computer===
You are the first to see what I caught. Only wish I had the camera a little lower.
Would love to know what you think???????
I'm thinking this is another one of your jokes! lol
This in another blogger visiting you.
tee hee Julie turned the light on
Amazing and a little creepy too. Now I'm wondering if you saw any alien life up there?
lol, sort of
Thanks for sharing!
Definitely an alien speaceship visiting Earth just to find out when we humans do to amuse ourselves all day. Did you give them your blog URL?
Didn`t you ask for a ride.....???? ;)
Was it one of Madonna old bras blowing about.
Too much time spent down the local methinks.
Definitely at UFO!!
LOL... great shot here. You should have asked for a ride. If they were moving that fast I am sure it would have been intense.
I have no idea what it is but I am anxiously awaiting the answer.
No clue but a great photo!
maybe a definite alien coming to whoosh you away. But you scared him off. LOL
I think is the returning of E.T. this creature with the long finger. He came back to see what happen to his old friend
looks like the top of a Morrison's supermarket!
Sstrange whatever it is and the sky is threatning....
I am on the edge of my seat!
Are you sure there's nothing on your lense?
What was the brand of that Ale?
Awaiting an update,
Louis la Vache, like Texas Traveller, is wondering what brand of ale provoked this hallucination!? Did the constable stop you for P.U.I. (Photographing Under the Influence)? Inquiring minds want to know! :-)
Not under the influence (beer that is)but the influence of a flower,swimming pool glass dome dark sky and a little help from the Elements.
That's a good one, I enjoyed it very much. I always like some good humor!
good one.....hahhahahh
I had to come back and check where you were from. In this morning's news, there was a story about mysterious lights that led to the arrest of a guy that was shooting fireworks from this 4th floor condo. That was in the US, though.
omG!!!!! ET!!!???
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