Monday, 15 October 2007

Hot choc and cake

In a cafe just opp our hotel, they serve HUGE slices of cake and HUGE mugs of hot chocolate.


zakscloset said...

are you trying to torture me? i am dying to have one of those right now...

imac said...

You have the same taste for food like I

dot said...

That sure does look good! I love to bake cakes and I love to eat cakes but I've had to give them up except for special occasions. Otherwise I'd be bigger than a barn. I wonder if that hot chocolate has marshmellows in it.

photowannabe said...

I can feel the weight going on my body just looking at that delicious cake and huge cups of chocolate. It just looks tooooo good.
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lv2scpbk said...

Oh, these look wonderful! I love those cute cups.

smokepole said...

that sure looks good. wish i could taste them. lol

Unknown said...

I'll join you for one of those anytime. Nothing better than a hot chocolate & a good chat about photography and blogging.

Dick said...

Mmmmmmmmmm........very nice. Nice blog too.