Thursday, 18 October 2007

Hobbies and Pastimes 5

Have you ever past any time in Paris???


david mcmahon said...

G'day from Oz,

Came here from Tom Wigley's blog. Nice shot - and I like your approach.

PS - Time never did matter in Paris!

Tom said...

All that time as made me ... wait of it... TYRED...

david mcmahon said...

hi Imac,

Thanks for visiting. I'm still laughing at Tom's humour here.

Yes, I'd be (greatly) honoured to have a fine gentleman lilke you link to me.



dot said...

That's certainly unique!

Andrea said...

WOW, they really keep up with time.

Mike's Travels said...

He he. I love it!

Kerri Farley said...

Wow! If you pass that every day you would never lose track of time :) Thanks for visiting my blog. I still have lots to see on yours.

lv2scpbk said...

Oh Wow! I am undecided if I like this or not.

smilnsigh said...

"Have you ever past any time in Paris???"

Yes I have {passed time there, that is}. ,-)

But I didn't see this. ,-)

But then, my visit was a few years ago.


zakscloset said...

what a brilliant picture!!!!!