Wednesday, 3 July 2013



Todays choice comes from Craver V11 = GREEN

My song this week is Tom Jones (as he is today) singing his massive hit Green Green Grass of Home = have a listen while you enjoy my photos of Green.

My Header
The statue of The Green Boy and his Pet @ The Petwood Hotel in Woodhall Spa - Lincolnshire. UK.

More greens for my Posts.

 Green double decker Bus from back in the good ol 6os
 The Dakota from the past - which flies in the Fly Past Demonstrations

A Green sports car - just like the Prisoner back in time too

The newly built Steam Train = The TORNADO

River Witham which runs through Grantham

There is a Green Hill far far away.

The Mud Maid Lady from the Gardens of Heligan - Cornwall

Sculpture by Barbara Hepworth in her Garden in St Ives Cornwall

2  unusual shots of plants

 Top - leaf with rain drops and a fly
Below - Water Lily Leaf

Scotland the Brave - what a beautiful sight.

Top -  Ribbit Riobbit
Below -  Discarded Green Glove

Green green Grass of Home

Rogers Door in St Ives

Green Trees @ Belton House - just outside Grantham

Last but not Least
No comments lol.

Now folks - go to my side bar (near my shield) and visit the other HEADBANGERS and see their take on GREEN.


The bad news is = 
The next 2 weeks I wont be Posting a header a small break.

As its my theme week next week -  I'll give a theme choice of - 







I will post a header tho this saturday.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: You were certainly in a green mood this week. I could tell by they way you were dressed. Loved your header.

Craver Vii said...

Great selections here! I liked Scotland the Brave and the Green Grass of Home, but that header of the Boy and His Pet really takes the prize!

Lew said...

Wonderfull bunch of British green you found for us! And a delightful header, but my favorite image is the water lily leaf.

photowannabe said...

Mac, love your green theme and all the terrific shots.
Sorry my theme was yellow and loved your comment.

DeniseinVA said...

Brilliant selection Stewart, a very creative variety of greens.
An English Girl Rambles

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Lots and lots of green.... My fav is that photo of Scotland. How gorgeous....

You all headed out on another trip????

Linda said...

Hi Stewart, here in Montreal a heat wave has begun, so it was humid and uncomfortable today. Your post is really refreshing, and my favourite colour is green!!! I love all the photos here, Scotland the Brave, the bus, and everything else. Thank you so much for sharing. I will miss you, but I want you to enjoy your break!

SandyCarlson said...

Sure do love those green guys! The lily leaf is great. It amazes me how these leaves flatten themselves and the water out.

ancient one said...

Love your green shots.. some I remember.. especially the lady laying in the garden...

Carletta said...

Well, the favorite has to be the last! :)
I really like the frog and boy and the door.
But, LOVE the Mud Maid Lady! I wish someone would do that in my back yard.
Have a wonderful blog break!

George said...

You've given us some great green photos. I really like the sports car, but the Dakota and steam engine are pretty neat as well. Your macros are marvelous.

Dar said...

Quickly comes to mind is the Green Pet Frog...they so remind me of my grandson who loves catching frogs and putting them to sleep while gently rubbing his tummy. Also would love to work the field toward the church and open that last green door.
Lovely stuff.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots - the water lily with the heart of water on it is gorgeous!

Enjoy your break.

Jackie said...

Your variety always causes me to smile. I can't wait each week to see what you come up with to show your take on the theme.
Have a restful time off
Lovely shots and perspectives, my friend. Always a delight to be here.

Unknown said...

Are you trying to make people green with envy over such good shots.

Our weekend together at Woodall Spa was great fun, topped off by seeing not only the Dakota, but the Spitfire fly over Tattershall Castle.

Enjoy your holiday Stewie, and we'll all catch up sometime soon

Ingrid said...

Beautiful greens ! The Highlands I have seen life and took pictures too, but not as good as yours ! The boy with the frog should be a princess !

soulbrush said...

Oh wow, you make me green with envy. Love them all- but the header just took my breath away. Have a wonderful weekend and let's enjoy the summer- it's here at last!