Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Welcome to the HEADER CHALLENGE Folks.
Its Kathy's choice this week.


My music this week is by Mungo Jerry singing 
In the Summer Time -  recorded way back in 1970.

Let me show you folks whats Summer Time's like here in the good old UK.

This is My Header - My Summer Solstice Sun.

Here's my Summer Solstice Moon.

More summer sun
 Here we have a Grantham Sunset

 Here we have a St Ives Sunrise shining thru the window and reflecting on the shower wall in the bathroom

No - its not upside down - but  -  A Grantham Sunset - with one of my camera's on a table in the garden of a Bar reflecting the sunset - taken with my 2nd camera.

Now whats in store - oh yes --


 Last weekend was The Queen's Trooping of the Colour
Where Her Royal Highness inspects her Guards on Parade.


 A fly past from Aircraft - Top pic is a shot of Inside  1 of 2 Only Flying Lancasters  - the other  flying Lancaster is based in Canada
The pic below is the Flypast of the Red Arrows

Now - lets see// ah yes Grantham's Summer Gala, that was also on last weekend - heres a few shots from there

 Grantham Lions Club Ladies sorting out the plastic Ducks for their Childrens  Duck Race down the river.

Girls screaming their heads off on a ride - note the 3 girls on the right - scary or what. lol

 The Cheshire Rescue Dogs putting on a show at  Grantham's Gala

One of the schools in Grantham has been doing History of Steam, here they are in the Parade as Stevenson's Rocket.

Belton House at Grantham
Summer House around the Lake

Getting the summer sun on his back.

The major Summer sport in the UK is Cricket
OUT - How-zat.  Well caught sir!

Of course Summer with-out this - is just not on?

Hope you have enjoyed My selection of Summer-Solstice.

Now go to my side bar(near my shield) and see what the other Headbangers Summer shots are.



Betty Manousos said...

awwww!! what a spectacular, my friend!

Betty Manousos said...

these are absolutely stunning! love the good old uk!
i thoroughly enjoyed your post.

Betty Manousos said...

gorgeous header, too.

happy summer!

Craver Vii said...

I like that Solstice sun, but my favorite shot in this set is the house on the water. That's one of those postcard-perfect types of shots!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Fun shots of the summertime. I certainly enjoyed your show.

Katney said...

What a collection! Enough to do the whole summer not just the start. Beautiful sunsets and moon and all the rest as well.

Lew said...

Summer looks great in Merry Ole England! Magnificent sun and moon shots! (I was sorta expecting Stonehenge.) Love the pomp and pageantry you have. (Ours ramps up around July 1.)

Unknown said...

You forgot to show the grey clouds and rain. That's summer these days. At least its got warmer now, even if the sun doesn't make much of an appearance

ju-north said...

Make sure you don't delete these pics - you might need them in the depths of winter! Btw, you will have a great time in Scotland - you will have your camera permanently in front of your face!!

DeniseinVA said...

Now that's the summer in England. Magnificent shots Stewart, love them all.

Wishing you a great day,
An English Girl Rambles

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - what an amazing set of shots. The sun is stunning as is the house reflected in the water and that duck with the sun on its back.

Jackie said...

Summer in England is colorful and full of fun.
I love the duck conducting the orchestra. I think I will rename him "the Conducktor. "
My favorite photo of all of these is the red white and blue jet trails. Spectacular....

Ingrid said...

A beautiful header ! Are you sure we are in summer, we still hadn't spring, lol ! Lots of activities going on in your region, I have also been at Trooping the color (on my sofa)

Cezar and Léia said...

ice cream is always a good idea! :) Wonderful set of images dear Imac, thanks for sharing!

Rune Eide said...

You seem to have lots of summer fun already - which is as it should be. A very nice summer to both of you!

SandyCarlson said...

These are great. Your treatments are really powerful.

The duck seems to be conducting the beginning of summer!

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Love your Summer collection! Some spectacular shots there.

fus said...

Impresionantes fotos de la fiesta de tu verano.

un abrazo
