Wednesday, 15 May 2013


What better music  than this
MAMMY by Al Jolson.- Im singing about you.
enjoy as you read my post

My Header
Alas - my Mum passed away  after suffering with Alzheimer's for around 6 years. 
As you know its a terrible disease of the mind, we loose our loved ones TWICE - once with Alzheimer's - taking their memory and twice when they pass away. 
My Header shows The family laid some flowers for her 1st Birthday after passing away, together with a Poem I had written for her on her death.

My Poem. - hope you enjoy.

Let me show just a brief look at her life in Photos.

My Mum and I - Around 1952  I was 4-5 - as you can see we had an outside Loo, and  I remember we had a tin bath and every Friday was bath night, filling the bath with hot water with a bucket.

I remember we used to go to Ingoldmells ( nr Skegness) every year for  a caravan Holiday, taking a touch and walking across the field at night for the toilet, Gas lamps, and every morning emptying the slop bucket and fetching fresh water.
My Mum enjoyed her garden and flowers, also loved dancing.
My father had a bad stroke at the age of 49, and suffered ill health until he died at the age of 56.

Later years My Mum got married for a 2nd time
and still  enjoyed her garden,dancing and holidays
This is a photo of my Mum on holiday - just a few years before she started to suffer with Alzheimer's.
My Mum lived till the age of 86.

Mum, I dedicate my music and song MAMMY to you.
In Loving Memory.

Folks, go visit the other Headbangers and see their take on Kathy's theme =  MOM. 
You will find these good folk on my side bar near my shield.



Cezar and Léia said...

A very touching post, you prepared such a beautiful homage for your mom, so nice lady!Wonderful pictures!

ju-north said...

some wonderful memories of a much loved mum

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful tribute to your mum !
Alzheimer is one of the worst diseases one can ever get !

Lew said...

Indeed a beautiful tribute to your Mom! Looks like she led a great and active life until Alzheimer's began to slowly rob her of enjoying life. Looks like life in England was much like here back in the "old" days (one of my grandparents had "outdoor" plumbing when I was 3 or so).

George said...

What a wonderful, moving tribute to your Mom.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: What a great post and wonderful photos in remembrance of Mum.

Anonymous said...

A loving tribute to your mum.

Linda said...

A beautiful tribute and a very touching post. The photos are lovely!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful tribute to your mother, Stewart. Alzheimer's is a horrible disease --and you are right. We lose those we love twice--once to Alzheimer's and once to death. So very very sad...

Sorry about your Dad also. My Dad lived until the age of 79 and Mom lives until the age of 91.

Great post.

Julie said...

Beautiful Darling. Your Mum was a lovely lady despite the Alzheimers and we had some very happy times, sharing laughs and dancing.

Carletta said...

A very touching post!

DeniseinVA said...

A very poignant post, a lovely tribute to your dear mum. Lovely photos and great memories. Alzheimer's is a very cruel and heartbreaking disease, and I am so sorry you all had to go through that. We have very dear friends who are dealing with it right now. Thank you for introducing your mum and your dad. Such lovely family snapshots and your poem was very touching.

Craver Vii said...

That's a heartwarming post, Imac. Very nice memories.

SandyCarlson said...

That's a beautiful tribute to your mom. Very moving. She raised a wonderful son.

Rune Eide said...

A beautiful memento. Alzheimer is a terrible disease. Let us all hope that we avoid it.

I know your feeling about parents passing away - my father died ten years ago today.

Rick said...

What a wonderful tribute, Stewart ! Great trip down memory lane.

My mother-in-law suffered from Alzheimers for 19 years - very gradually at first but we 'lost' her after about 10 years, and then again 3 years ago.