Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Header Challenge 01-05-13 - TIMETABLE by Mac

Hi folks, Im back in Blogland after 2 weeks at St Ives Cornwall.
Weather changeable, wind,rain, and of course we had Sun too.
Most enjoyable holiday.

Getting back to the Header

Listen to my music, most fitting indeed  - even though I say it myself. lol

My Header

YOU BOY/GIRL ---- Do you know your TimesTable ?
Let me take you back in Time --- Can you remember long long  ago way back to  your days at school?? - I can - I hated school, such a Dunce that I was,lol.
Learning your Times -Table - 2x2=3 ? or should that be 4? lol.
Those old fashioned desks, ink wells, oh B, another ink blob.
I can remember when all our class got the slipper for talking in class, gee were they the good ol days? - never get away with it now. Would they - 
Most folk says its the best time of your lives? - me - I don't think so.

My Post Pics


Oh No - walking on the beach and the tides coming in
I should hace read the Tides Timetable

 Or how about telling Time in days gone-by

 Time(on a stone)Table

Or Better Still

Yes - its a clock with Knife - Folk - Spoon.
Not bad for TimeTable Eh?

Or even the Proper Timetable

 coffee Time-Table - me thinks,lol.

Well, Times up folks - go visit my Headbanger friends - on my side bar, near my shield and see their take on TIMETABLE.



Cezar and Léia said...

LOL fun time header and words! :)
I love your ideas!

Rune Eide said...

Nice to see you back on-line! You seem to have enjoyed your stay. The cutlery-clock won with me!

PS Which is the closest international airport to Cornwall?

Lew said...

Glad you had an enjoyable stay in St. Ives! You brought back some old memories of school days though ink wells were gone when I was in the early grades. And some great choices of time tables!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

What an interesting take on your theme Mac. You were quite the teacher in front of the girls room.

Jackie said...

Welcome baaaaaaaaaaack!
Missed you, and loved your photos. They are always exquisite!!

Anonymous said...

What fun shots. Love that cutlery clock!

Ingrid said...

Very nice shots ! School pictures are bad memories to me ! I just came back from the French Riviera, but I would prefer where you were, if the weather would be the same as in South France !

George said...

I like all the time tables you've presented, but the take on the phrase that inspired your header is my favorite by far.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Welcome back. We've missed you!!!! Hope you had a wonderful time...

Your 'Timetable' (TimesTable) post is cute... Very creative... Thanks for sharing.


Craver Vii said...

I laughed out loud when I saw the clock table. I wanted going to create something similar for this week's header. Who knew that it already existed?!! Fun post, Imac. I like the portrait you selected for the header.

Linda said...

So glad to see you back! For a while I was wondering if Facebook was keeping you a little too busy...I missed your visits. I love that cutlery clock!

Becca's Dirt said...

You are so creative how you made all of those about time-tables. I wasn't good with my multiplication but I apparently got the number game since I am an accountant. Have a good one.

Unknown said...

The clock is a great idea. At least you would know when it's dinner time!

Anonymous said...

There is something to be said for rusty screws -- don't use them with bronze. lol

Betty Manousos said...

that clock with knife, fork, spoon is really awesome!

brilliant idea!

have a good weekend my friend~

DeniseinVA said...

Great, great, great. I remember the days when a teacher used to throw the chalkboard eraser at us if he found us talking or not paying attention. Ah yes, those were the days and no they couldn't get away with that now and frankly I'm surprised he got away with it then.

Barbara said...

That is a scary teacher! Enjoyed all the different clocks.

Rick said...

Whoa - you sure turned back the hands of time with this series, Stewart ! Wonderful and creative, and stirred up a few memories (not all pleasant). Sounds like you got off easy if you only had a slipper thrown your way - corporal punishment for us usually involved a close encounter with the strap !

Love your header.

Welcome back.

Rick said...

Whoa - you sure turned back the hands of time with this series, Stewart ! Wonderful and creative, and stirred up a few memories (not all pleasant). Sounds like you got off easy if you only had a slipper thrown your way - corporal punishment for us usually involved a close encounter with the strap !

Love your header.

Welcome back.

Rick said...

Whoa - you sure turned back the hands of time with this series, Stewart ! Wonderful and creative, and stirred up a few memories (not all pleasant). Sounds like you got off easy if you only had a slipper thrown your way - corporal punishment for us usually involved a close encounter with the strap !

Love your header.

Welcome back.