Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Header Challenge
This week its Kathys choice = Looking Up.

My music this week is  Country Music - Charlie Pride with = Things are Looking Up, - Enjoy.

My Header

Plain n simple this week - does as it says - Looking Up.

I remember as a kid playing in the fields, one game was Looking up.
A gang of us used to lay down and wait, mostly in the summer holls we used to get flies flying above our heads, and we had to try and count them to see who attracted the most

My post pics

Looking up at the 7 sisters (falls) in Norway.

Looking up at a Hot Air Balloon above Belton House

 Looking up in Lincoln Cathedral as the sun shines through the Stained glass windows

Looking up at the tree Sculptures

Looking up - As we go up and up round and round.

Looking up at this lovely bird

Looking up  - inside this metal Sculpture

 Looking up at the weather vane of the Pub called the Dirty Duck lol.

Looking up at The Heavenly Light

Looking up passed the White Tulips at the blue sky

Of course - cant let it go by without our hobby - Looking up Photographing

Well thats my Looking up,  so go visit the other Headbangers from my side bar near my shield and see their take of Looking Up

Good Luck


Cezar and Léia said...

wow I love your Nikon! :D
Great selection, my favorites are "hot air balloon"and "lovely bird"!

Jackie said...

These are all beautiful shots.
I especially love the flowers with the blue sky background.

Craver Vii said...

I'm curious about the falls in Norway... whether the Seven Sisters are so named after the daughters of Atlas in Greek mythology, and whether they are individually named for the Pliades.

Great shots here, Imac!

Ingrid said...

Love the big feet, lol ! My son is 2 m "long" and has shoes like boats !
The staircase is also a great shot !

DeniseinVA said...

Those are great looking up photos, each one always very interesting. Wishing you a great day my friend.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Glad you were able to post. You captured some neat looking up photos.

Lew said...

Nothing like lying in the grass watching the sky go by! All great look ups. I especially like the seven sisters and tree dancers. For the guy in red, the title should be LOOK OUT!

Julie said...

Counting flies?! I've heard it all now LOL Great post, I enjoyed it xx

James said...

Brilliant post! I enjoyed every photo. :-)

George said...

All of these photos are simply wonderful. I love the various ways you were looking up. Of course my favorite has to be looking up at the seven sisters.

Linda said...

Love these photos! I especially love the lovely bird!

Adam said...

love the hot air balloon

SandyCarlson said...

I love all that looking up!

Carletta said...

So many wonderful shots here!
A couple of favorites were the staircase and the tree sculptures.
Loved the metal sculpture as well -very sci-fi like.

Charlie Pride brings back good memories. Had to laugh at some of the things in the video.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do love these fabulous shots. The birds on the rocks is a stunner!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes--we photographers do look UP alot, don't we????? Love your photos--especially that one from Norway... AWESOME waterfall...


Dave Cawkwell said...

You've captured that white tulip beautifully and I also like the way you've set up the sculpture, great angle, perfect!

Rune Eide said...

very nice examples - even excellent!

Betty Manousos said...

enjoyed this virtual trip though your gorgeous photos.
it's really hard to pick a favourite my friend!