Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Header Challenge 03-04-13 - Illusion or Fool the eye - by Lew

This weeks theme is by Lew - illusion or Fool the eye.

I think you might enjoy listening to my music this week its
Imagination - Just an Illusion

There are many ways to fool the eye, Glass,Mirrors,reflections,angle of the shot or just by Photoshop - 
My photos contain all of these.

My Header Ghostly Legs
These are my legs and I took the photo - I am in a lift - all done by mirrors and glass.

This one is a magic mirror within a post and reflecting me as an odd shape - cool eh!

Hovering Spaceship? look at the stars in the middle - are they moving?
This shot is done by the Angle taken, its the ceiling of a room on a cruise ship.

Now for something completely different

From day to night -  just by walking thru the archway,
Photoshop elements 10

Do you believe in Ghosts?

The Ghostly Morris Dancers of Harlaxton Manor.

all done by just alteration of colours in PSE10

The Ghost Bride of Crickley Hall
I was lucky enough to see her by copy and paste  thru PSE10

Dr Who in space -  another copy and paste and played with in PSE10

Its no Picnic down in the woods at night

The Witch is  out and about - Cut and paste with a colour transformation in PSE10

Lost in the 5th Dimension

Copy and Paste - reverse glowing edges - and we find ourselves  lost in the 5th Dimension PSE10

Lost at sea

Cut and paste together with a twirl feature in PSE10

We all know Paris with its Glass Pyramid and the book by Dan Brown 

Heres me reading his book The Da Vinci Code within the Glass Pyramid 
just by Copy and paste and resizing in PSE10

Well - thats me and my illusions - 

go to my side bar and visit the other Headbangers and see there take on Lews theme of illusion or Fool the eye.

Good Luck.


Rune Eide said...

Well done - I'll never believe any of your photos again :-)

Jackie said...

Your photos are always magical to me...whether Photoshopped or not.
I enjoy each posting of them.
I want to learn how to use Photoshop; I have it....just don't use it.
I need lessons!

Craver Vii said...

You bring tons of fun to your pictures and probably to daily life as well. It really shows. Thanks for the magic, Imac.

Lew said...

You are a master of illusion! I have been on a lift (maybe in London) where the floor was an illusion - just a thin grate. I really like you day/night combinations!

George said...

Mac, you're definitely a master of illusion. All of these are marvelous pictures.

Katney said...

My favorites are the ones that are natural.

Linda said...

Very well done! I had a feeling that you were in an elevator as soon as I saw that photo with your feet and you confirmed it.

Rick said...

Wonderful il-lew-sions, Stewart ! Magic in the camera and with a little help from PS. Very creative.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Terrific photos today... Love all of the illusions!!!! You are the KING of Illusions!!!!!

Cezar and Léia said...

The lift with mirrors picture is quite a twist!
And it seems you've been having a lot of fun with PSE, eh? :)
Very creative stuff!
God bless you!

Ingrid said...

All very creative ! I would like to try that too !

Anonymous said...

Very creative!

Carletta said...

I LIKE the ghostly feet!!!
My very favorite is the 'spaceship.' Definitely reminds me of the Close Encounters movie!! Well done!!

SandyCarlson said...

I now believe in ghosts!