Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Wedding of Laura & Nik Thompson.

Official Wedding Photographer - Cloverleaf Photography

Julie and I have just spent a very nice and enjoyable weekend in Chichester,
for the Wedding of Julies stepdaughter Laura to Nik Thompson.

Here's a few of my photos to show Laura and Nik  how much they are  in love together.

 Laura and Nik with their Mothers.

 Ready to leave - for the reception

 The Dress.

 The Reception.

The photo shoot with Jonathan (Julies Nephew) Clover
Of course with me being into Photography - I took advantage of the set ups and photographed the Photographer at work - with the happy couple.

The evening reception -

The entrance of the happy couple

Cutting of the Cakes ---
How sweet is this  - sharing their cake as well as their life together.

Oppps mind the crumbs........

The couple take the floor for the 1st Waltz.

Wait ------for ------it.
You can see and feel the Love -  Energy of the Happy Couple.

The Bride is ready to boogie -----
The Disco begins ----

Tis Midnight -- Cinderella (Laura) and her Prince ( Hubby Nik) has left the room. --- Goodnight.

The Disco Dancers will follow at a later date --- be prepared, lol.


Julie said...

A really lovely post darling ♥

Anonymous said...

Love the pics :-) xx Love Mr & Mrs Thompson :-) xx

Unknown said...

Oh good! I so wanted to see you and Julie shaking it, lol. The Bride is so pretty and tell her I want her dress, hairpiece and stoll!! Straight away, lol.

Rune Eide said...

Congratulations to one and all!

George said...

It looks as if this was a wonderful wedding and celebration. You got some wonderful photos of the happy couple, even if you weren't the official photographer.

Dar said...

A fine job done photographing this gorgeous wedding., and the surroundings are wonderful. I love the kiss. Congratulations to the newlyweds.

Ingrid said...

Wonderful wedding and a very pretty bride !

Unknown said...

Nice set of photos. Think its the first time that I've seen a softbox used at a wedding

Linda said...

How wonderful! Absolutely stunning photos. I wish everyone all the best.

SandyCarlson said...


Betty Manousos said...

what a fabulous wedding!
a beautiful couple indeed.

Lew said...

Congratulations to Laura and Nik! And to you for some great wedding shots!