Thursday, 11 October 2012

Geevor Tin Mine Post 3 - The Miners - conditions - above ground

 Here are the conditions that these Miners had to work and change in - above ground - changing rooms

 Clock in - or out

 Changing into their own clothes - after a shower

 (photo) Football Team

 (Photo) Some of the Miners

 Typical Locker and goods of a Miner

 Toilets -----
Love the notice.

 Photos of more Miners,
You can still just hear their jokes and Laughter  --  as they walked down the Passage  - as though it was yesterday.

 The Tin Mine - Shaft

More to follow.


Ingrid said...

That must have been one of the most awful work ever ! I visited a coal mine here in Marcinelle Belgium where 262 out of 274 minors died in 1956 (mostly Italians) which has become a memorial now. It was so sad, that I didn't take a lot of pictures and they were bad.

Linda said...

A fascinating post with great photos! My cousin (12 years my senior) was a miner in a nickel company in Ontario, Canada and he said it was very strenuous work.

Craver Vii said...

I want that sign in my bathroom. I can imagine the reaction of guests in my home!!

SandyCarlson said...

What a humbling experience, seeing these photos. These men do what I couldn't imagine doing.

Cezar and Léia said...

Amazing set of images, you prepared a great article here about the Miners!Congratulations!