Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Header Challenge 05-09-12 = Through the Window. By Richard.

Richard has chosen a neat idea for his 1st theme of the Headbangers.


My music is Through the Window - sung by The Jackson 5 = 1972.

Have you ever been to Paris?

Thats where my Looking through the Window comes from,

Looking through the Windows of the Glass Pyramid at the Louvre Palace

The part we are looking at is the Worlds most famous Museum which is only a part of the  large complex of The Great Palace Louvre.

The famous Glass Pyramid was built in1989 and has 673 glass panels to it.

If at any time you are in Paris - The Louvre and Glass Pyramid is a must to visit.

Dan Browns book and The film = The Da Vinci Code may have helped to bring in more visitors
to the Louvre and Glass Pyramid.

My Post pics show inside and outside of the Glass Pyramid and The Louvre.

 The Glass Pyramid and a part of the Louvre, you can see the size with the folk around. The entrance to the Louvre is through the Pyramid.

 Looking through windows to the inside.

 There is an escalator - Lift and stairs to reach the ground floor, which hosts some shops,modern Art, and the entrance to the Louvre.
 I like this pic for the formation of folk going up the stairs.
Now  you see the lift.  Quite a nifty idea eh!.

Looking though the Windows of the Glass Pyramid -  at me reading the book from Dan Brown.

 In the court yard of the Museum. We didnt have time to investigate the inside (as yet) lol.

Here you can see part of the Louvre from the Tuileries Gardens.

A little different I know for Looking Through The Window, but Paris is a wonderful City to see.

Now go and look Through the Windows of the other Headbangers and see what they saw.

You will find the headbangers on my side bar, near my shield.

Good Luck.


DeniseinVA said...

Marvelous photos! I have never been to Paris. It's on the list :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Love your header, magnificent image indeed!
I'm also enchanted by the set of pictures from this wonderful museum in Paris. I love the Louvre museum!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Love it, love it, love it. Do I smell gold? YESSSS.

ju-north said...

A great tour!

Craver Vii said...


FilipBlog said...

Super pictures of the staircase. Love the header picture, I recognised the building but couldn't place it.


Unknown said...

Well that's two things I've not done yet, visited Paris, or seen (or read) Dan Brown's book.

Have the DVD of the film, but it's still in its wrapper. I must did it out sometime.

Yes, the spiral staircase shot is my favourite too.

George said...

These are great views through the window. I really like the photo with the reflection of you reading the book. Very appropriate and very cool.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Stewart, Great header photos of the windows.... LOVE them all...

Also loved that last picture of the house and gardens... Wow!!!!! Reminds me of Biltmore --where GE and I go.

Jackie said...

I have walked these halls and seen this beautiful pyramid...but I haven't taken spectacular photos like you have of the Louvre, my friend. always.

Dar said...

Never, will I see any of these masterpieces in person, so I am so grateful for the tour through your minds eye. I love the photo of your reflective hands holding the book. Very cool.
Re: the tomatoes you thought were Beefeaters, were Big Beefs. They are DELICIOUS, huge and blemish-free.

Anonymous said...

Ah - marvellous shots of the iconic modern look of the Louvre. Love the header shot too.

Ingrid said...

Your photos are beautiful, but the Pyramide is so ugly ! How could they put such a modern thing in the middle such of an historic place ? It looks like a punch in your eye ! (as they Frenchs say)I found it horrible !

Unknown said...

I was at the Louvre when I was six or so, as I lived with my family in a suburb of Paris for two years.

I'm hoping to visit either in 2013 or 2014. So many places, so little time and money!

Gorgeous shots as usual!

SandyCarlson said...

This post is a real treat. I would love to see this place in person. Love the you and Dan Brown shot.

Rune Eide said...

We thought of taking a trip to London later this year, but now I see I have to reconsider :-)

Betty Manousos said...

your photos are always worth the look, my friend.

fantastic shots of the louvre. great views through the window as well.

wishing you a lovely weekend!

kaykuala said...

Such beautiful photos. When I was there years ago the Pyramids were not constructed yet. But I had the time of my life making eyes with Mona Lisa and of seeing somber Venus de Milo. Thanks for sharing and for the memories!
