Monday, 27 August 2012

Bank - Holiday Monday.

Are you spending the Bank Holiday Monday  - on the Beach.??
Photo from St Ives Cornwall.

We're not - but soon will be.


Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful Summer scenery!

DeniseinVA said...

We are not but I wish and I am glad you are. Lovely photo!

Ingrid said...

Lucky you ! no bank holiday here ! I don't care, I have bank holidays the whole year long :) !

ju-north said...

As long as you don't have our Bank Holiday weather! Thanks for your comment! You would love all the castles here!

Dar said...

Only in my dreams, Stewart. No bank holiday here, that is, unless you pay your own way through holiday.
I always love stopping by.
OH, did you notice the dam on the left of your Header interesting. I see something different each time.

Dar said...

Only in my dreams, Stewart. No bank holiday here, that is, unless you pay your own way through holiday.
I always love stopping by.
OH, did you notice the dam on the left of your Header interesting. I see something different each time.

Unknown said...

There's a 'beach' in the Old Market Square at the moment, complete with buckets and spades, slot machines and a bar.

All is lacking is the sun, the noise of the waves and some seagulls

SandyCarlson said...

Looks like a wonderful beach!

George said...

What a beautiful place for a holiday.

photowannabe said...

Don't have that holiday here in California but I'm spending the day doing exciting things like laundry and taking care of the bills...whoo- hoo.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Never been to St Ives - you sent me some of your photo-notelets moons ago and I've just used one with a photo of St Ives to reply to neighbour's invite to her birthday party.