Friday, 29 June 2012


 Well! -Olympic Torch day in Grantham  - BUT  - What weather we had - not just a storm A really bad storm, thunder rattling the windows for ages, fork lightning and striking several places in Grantham. The Mother of all storms.

 Hail as big as 50p pieces

 Even the street lights came on, as it was so dark, caused eruptions in town, floods, and lightning strikes.

 Just look at our gutters, just could not take it.

 BUT by the time we went out to catch the Torch at the end of its run in Grantham - Barrowby road - the sun came out to shine,

 Lots of folk were gathering - chatting and kids enjoying themselves.

 DW - Julie even getting excited.

At last the Parade was here --

 Just love this lorry

 Lots of flag waving too

 Julie dressed for the occasion .
 Flashing too lol.

 This is where Granthams Flame ends - before going on to Nottingham.

 Wait for it

 Yippee, Granthams Olympic Flame -
 To end Granthams run was Hugh Carville  (click on the name for info)
 Hi Hugh,,

 As the crowd cheers------

 Hang on - the cyclists are here too

 Get your flag here ---

 We decided to pop into town - to see what was going on - now its all finished.

 Flags still flying high

 In the Museum you could have your photo taken with a torch.

 Also info on Barry Dagger --
 Who took part in the Olympics  in 1976 and 1984 for GBs shooting team.
When I were a young lad, Barry's family and mine were neighbours in Victoria St.

 Outside the Guildhall was this dressed up person with their own torch.

Well - I hope you all have enjoyed our - Once in a Life Times experience of seeing the Olympic Torch.


George said...

Thanks for sharing the Olympic torch with us. It looks as if Grantham really had a major celebration in spite of the weather beforehand. I enjoyed reading about your personal connection to a couple of earlier Olympics.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Awesome photos, Stewart.... I'm so glad that your weather cleared up so that you could enjoy the parade and the torch as it passed by... What excitement... Loved it.

Unknown said...

It was brilliant weather for our turn, except for the storm in Mansfield.

May put a selection of shots on Facebook later

Unknown said...

That weather was scary! Thanks for sharing this with us, awesome...!~!~!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! what an awful weather ! During this time I was in the South of Tunisia with 50°C in the shade !
What a special event I think it only happens once in your life, unless you are running behind the torch in all cities of the world !

Dave Cawkwell said...

Certainly looked a bit soggy to start the day with but at least you had the sun for when the torch ran through. Great shots.

Lew said...

Quite a show Grantham put on for the torch! We are looking forward to the sporting events.

SandyCarlson said...

Super! Prometheus, eat your heart out!

DeniseinVA said...

This is a very exciting post and all the photos are excellent. Loved Julie all decked out in her Union Jack and glad that deluge finally quit.

ancient one said...

Loved it!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that IS a lot of rain!

So glad it cleared up for all the fun of the Olympic torch. Great shots.

Linda said...

Fantastic series of photos. That was some storm...however, nice to see the calm after the storm. Great job.

Cezar and Léia said...

The first pics are really powerful!
God bless you!

Betty Manousos said...

exceptional shots, my friend!thanks for sharing these, oh, that was a lot of rain, sbut i am glad your weather cleared up so that you could enjoy the parade.

an excellent post!

Rick said...

The Olympic gods surely shined on you - it wasn't going to rain on your parade !

Lovely colourful shots Stewart.

Rune Eide said...

We are ardently following the Twenty-Twelve series. Their problems seems small compared to this. But if you managed that weather (while we had sun!) - you can manage anything!

Good Luck with the games!

Craver Vii said...

Well, the rain cleaned the streets for you on the parade route, didn't it? Plus, you got the asphalt nice and dark for your pics, so that worked out well, too.

We had a good rain for a little while last week, but the dramatically heavy part was over before I could get my camera set up.

Marksmanship is one of my favorite things. I used to practice archery, and I wish I could properly handle a rifle and/or pistol. Since I started a family, I gave up the more expensive hobbies for shooting rubber bands. And I'm fairly accurate with them, too. :-)

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