Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Header Challenge 21-09-11 Flags by Dave.

FLAGS was Dave choice this week for our Header Challenge.
My flags are a flying in my Header.

Flags can mean sadness when flying half mast  - but they can mean joyful times too - just like my evening.
Yes, its me (large as life) wrapped up in our flag - the Union Jack, with a small one stuck on top of my brolly.
In 2008 we went to  Belton House to see the spitfire Prom -
Beautiful Music and a grand picnicRoast Chicken with fresh salad with wine then fresh fruit and ice cream
Some folk even had the candle sticks all polished.

The main event was when Charlie Brown appeared and flew his Spitfire around for 15 minutes.
My post shot you can see Charlies Spitfire flying past.
My Music and film was from this very night - You see Charlie and his Spitfire flying around for a while, with the music playing. - so watch - listen - as you take yourself there.

If you have never been to a Proms night - You certainly are missing out on a very enjoyable evening..

What better way to end A Night out at the Proms  but to see a firework display.

Sadly the eve comes to an end, eveyone takes their FLAGS home with them.

Ive Posted a day early this week as Im away very soon after.

Pop and see what the other Headbangers have  done with their FLAGS.
You will find these folk on my side bar - just above my shield.


Jackie said...

I enjoy going to air shows here.
Great shots, Stewart.
Attending air shows is becoming almost as dangerous as flying a plane in one!!!

Lew said...

What a way to show the flag! And have a lots of fun.

Dar said...

Love the joyful flags...
I fly mine daily and besides it's meaning of peace~
I love to watch mine for the direction of the wind. It tells me when a storm is brewing and when it's ok to fly a kite.
Have a blessed day my friend.

DeniseinVA said...

Marvelous flag post Stewart, loved all the photos, especially the one of you in your header. Made me smile from ear to ear to see you in my beloved Union Jack regalia.

soulbrush said...

Hey, it's so cool to see you 'in the flesh', another great header friend.

joey said...

If only for the joy of your 'headers', I love to stop by and always a joy ... :)

Unknown said...

You seem to be enjoying wearing that flag and hat. I think on the quiet you enjoy dressing up!

Rick said...

Ha ha - love the header ! And that fireworks shot is a beauty ! [I still have to get my first one]

Enjoy your trip Stewart.

Ingrid said...

You look great as personified flag !

Cezar and Léia said...

Your header is wonderful, I like this subject "flags"!
Very well done,

Katney said...

You are off again? We are finally settled in home for a while.

Dave Cawkwell said...

Flag blankets nice one. You look snug as a bug in a rug.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Very patriotic header, flag man.

SandyCarlson said...

I love the spirit of this. Awesome, my friend.

Enjoy your time away!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful display of fireworks!