Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Header Challenge = 14-09-11 = Delicious by Lanny

Welcome to Delicious by Lanny.
Thats our Header Challenge this week.
My song this week is by Robbie Williams
singing - Its lovely- its Delicious , so sit back and 
enjoy my posts with Robbie in the background.
Now, yes, My Header, well -
Say hi to MIL Jessie.

A few weeks ago Jessie had a couple of friends visiting her 
as we had fetched Jessie out for the day to be with us.
After saying their hellos, we all went out for Sunday lunch,
well, when it came to deserts - Jessie picked a dessert from the menu - we all said its far too much for you, but jessie said she could manage it - so we didnt argue and  ordered but with 5 spoons, as we knew what was going to happen --- 
When delivered Jessies face was a picture - as you all can see.
Thanks Lanny, this just fits Delicious.
 There was enough for the 5 of us.

We all like our food - so do these creatures
A monkey from Gibraltar loves his delicious fruit.
We all know that a Squirrel loves his Delicious Nuts.

Birds root around to find a Delicious Bug.

Little Bears will go mad for a Delicious Ice Cream.

Dragonflies will rest a while to get their Delicious Berries
and stay long enough for a photograph.

Now - me - I love a pint and a Delicious Pork-Pie.

Hope you all have enjoyed my take on Delicious-including Jessie with her large super duper ice cream dessert Header.

Go see the Headbangers on their take of Delicious.
Just above my shield on the side bar.

Good luck to all.


Cezar and Léia said...

ohmigod, that is a perfect ICE CREAM, delicious indeed! Lovely Lanny!
I can't choose, I think they are all great choices!Bravo!
Léia :)

Rune Eide said...

Having eaten those deserts in the UK many times, I recognize the smile :-)

PS Thank you for the comment, but my knees are OK - the photos were shot with a Canon G11 which has a vari-angle screen.

Dave Cawkwell said...

Yes "The Birds" Desserts are certainly delicious and very large!!

Jackie said...

Love the photos!... and...Jessie is a woman after my own heart...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Wonderful post, wonderful header, I would have thought you would have ordered yourself one. lol

Unknown said...

I'd love to try that pudding, and I bet I could manage it all too!

SandyCarlson said...

I feel chubby after this post. This week's photo challenge has turned me into a blimp! I love it. Jesse looks ready for the challenge of that sundae, too!

George said...

Your header is deliciously perfect.

ancient one said...

I would have Jessie's dessert right now, if I had ice cream in the house. I'm sure you all enjoyed it!! It sure looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

What delightful pictures. Love your header shot - that ice cream sundae is huge!

Lanny said...

I love it! Yours is the first one I've looked at this morning and it is great!! Absolutely perfect! Say hi to Jessie from me and tell her thanks.

DeniseinVA said...

That was some dessert and I loved the look you captured on Jesse's face. I loved all your other photos too, the bear because well, you know, I adore bears, and I thought the dragonfly you caught on the berry bush was outstanding. But then so were all your other photos. So hard to choose a favorite!

Lew said...

Great header! And what a smile you got from Jessie!

Craver Vii said...

How kind of you to rescue Jessie from having to eat a ton of ice cream all by herself.

And there's that pork pie again. I'm drooling, Imac! How long do you suppose it would take me to swim across this pond so we can share a meal, my friend?

Ingrid said...

That's a funny header ! what an ice cream ! I could never eat all that !! Amongst the young singers Robbie Williams is the only one I like and whose name I know, lol !

Dar said...

I enjoyed your MIL's Delicious Ice Cream pic so much that it made me giggle. What a fantastic memory.
I've never had your Pork Pie before, curious.

Rick said...

I think I put on a pound or two just looking at you header, Stewart !! Did you ask for it to be super-sized ??

Nice series on delicious too - with a great ending ;-)

Have a superb weekend.

ju-north said...

Great to see your mil enjoying herself!

soulbrush said...

Love the header and the look on her face!

Katney said...

The header is a delight.

I just realized that the headers go off after the week's challenge. Do you save those images somewhere so that we can go back and have a look from time to time? I created a page for my previous header images--though I don't change near as often as you do.