Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Slightest puff from the wind - to Freedom.
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Cezar and Léia said...

very interesting shot and your title fits it very well!
Wonderful picture!

Ingrid said...

Love the shot, but where is "freedom" ?

Christmas-etc... said...

Now this is a header! what a bird! Love your freedom shot too! So true!

Becca's Dirt said...

Well that's interesting. Don't understand the connection though.

Anonymous said...

I did like the song. Cheerful, indeed.

Jackie said...

Fly little seeds, fly...
Beautiful shot, Stewart.
Free indeed.

ancient one said...

Those seeds are getting in the wind.. I will never forget the time long years ago when I collected some cattails and put them in a container at home. Didn't know you had to spray them with something to keep them from bursting and sending those seeds everywhere... what a mess.. all cattails stay in the ditches.. no more for me..LOL

ju-north said...

A great shot!